Re: Lead Merge Ways

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Level 4

Lead Merge Ways

Marketo support lead merge but it is either manually or contact Marketo Technical Support. Also, third party tool support to merge data.

Marketo already dedupe the leads for, list import, API, fills out form but CRM it do not support. 

I was wondering if there are other possible ways while creating smart campaign to resolve this too. Please comment if any other method is open to achieve merge process 

Also, in API data insertion process duplicate lead are being generated how can this be resolved in Marketo. 

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Level 10

Re: Lead Merge Ways

You don't want a triggered smart campaign merging leads automatically (and that's why it's not possible) 


If your API processes are creating duplicates then you haven't configured the logic properly and it's your code that you need to fix


In the end, marketo has all the raw tools available for you to be able to write your own application to dedupe on a mass scale provided you can conceptualise the UX, UI design the architect the solution.

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Lead Merge Ways

Marketo support lead merge but it is either manually or contact Marketo Technical Support.

Or via API.


I was wondering if there are other possible ways while creating smart campaign to resolve this too.

Only if that Smart Campaign calls a webhook that in turn loops back and uses the REST API.


This setup is extremely risky at scale, for the obvious reason that it uses multiple inbound REST API calls per outbound webhook call. It can have the advantage of being powered in part by Smart List qualification rules. Mostly I'm just mentioning it for completeness, not as a recommendation.


Also, in API data insertion process duplicate lead are being generated how can this be resolved in Marketo. 

Without knowing how you're using the API — exact endpoints, payload, and logic — it's impossible to say.

Level 4

Re: Lead Merge Ways

Hi San,

In API, we are not using dedupe field as a email address so that's why we are getting duplicate records and also do not  want to change the dedupe field  back to email address  and looking for alternate solution to resolve this issue. In payload we are using GET method and Muelsoft is being used to maintain payload.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Lead Merge Ways

You haven't mentioned the API endpoint (this is the level of detail I'm referring to) but it's surely a POST, not a GET.


Bottom line, if you won't dedupe on email, then... the system as a whole won't dedupe on email. This is a choice you're making in your app.


@Jay_Jiang put it perfectly: the tools are there for sophisticated, ongoing merge logic.  But you need to patiently and professionally build that app.

Level 10

Re: Lead Merge Ways

You don't want a triggered smart campaign merging leads automatically (and that's why it's not possible) 


If your API processes are creating duplicates then you haven't configured the logic properly and it's your code that you need to fix


In the end, marketo has all the raw tools available for you to be able to write your own application to dedupe on a mass scale provided you can conceptualise the UX, UI design the architect the solution.