Re: Insert Webinar URL Dynamically Into Google Calendar

Level 3

Insert Webinar URL Dynamically Into Google Calendar

Quick question for anyone:

Trying to send a webinar confirmation mail with an Outlook, iCal, and Google Calendar reminder. Outlook and iCal work fine by using the ics tokens. I've noticed that Google calendar isn't as friendly. Found an old ticket that lays out how to create a Google Calendar event and token-ize it. Super helpful. However one of the cool things that you can do using the ics token is that you can dynamically create that an attendee's WebEx URL in the Outlook invite. That way they have it all in one place.

I'm not really having the same luck with this in Google Calendar. I think it's may be because I'm using regular text tokens. When I incorporate the webinar url token inside the plain text token that will eventually populate the Google Calendar description it fails. Has anyone had any luck with this/ found out if this is even possible?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Insert Webinar URL Dynamically Into Google Calendar

Can you show some screenshots?

Insert {{member.webinar url}} into the Description area at the bottom of the ICS token.

You may be having a timing issue, so if you send the Confirmation email with a 1-2 minute delay, it may work better. I haven't heard of the Google Calendar issue or why it wouldn't populate. The Token should only send the actual text info.