How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

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How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

Hi all,

I'm presenting to the Denver MUG on how to use tokens in Programs, and I wanted to poll the community about your use cases.

How is everyone using Tokens with Programs?

Here are the use cases I'm going to talk about:
1) Events - using my tokens for event specific information. This way when creating a new event program you keep the same assets and update the tokens with event specific content.
2) Token in Lead Scoring - as described in this Marketo article:

What else are you guys doing with tokens?
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Re: How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

3) I'm using tokens to build up my entire landing pages and emails in bigger programs. E.g. if the name of a webinar speaker changes or the date of an event I only change the token and it reflects everywhere.

4) I use tokens for content item url's. If I have a new version of a PDF I only need to change the tokens, rather than having to update the links in all the emails.

5) I sometimes use date tokens for wait steps.
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Re: How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

We execute campaigns in 6 languages. We also make a program per asset you download from our site. So the asset programs are a few campaigns + 2 landing pages & an email. Well, across 6 sites, 50 assets. We quickly realised that if a Marketing Manger left the company then we'd be screwed. So instead we added to each top level folder, Sender-Email and Sender-Name as tokens. Then in every email for each country, we've replaced out the Sender info at the top of each email with {{my.Sender-Email}} and {{my.Sender-Name}}

I'm using tokens for all of our Tracking. There's a whole thread on it on the community already, so I won't repeat myself. But on the end of each link I add a standard tracking code, which includes tokens. ?utm_source=Marketo&utm_medium=Email&utm_content={{my.Email-Content}}&utm_campaign={{my.Email-Campaign}} ... Then at each top-level folder I've added the master tokens, which filters into all sub-programs within the folder. Then it gets changed out for the proper name when they create a new program. [if you want to know more, i can help you find that thread]

I also have a token for each country's individual email footers. Ie Unsubscribe, Physical Address, Privacy policy. Those are setup as Lead tokens, so when they have a Business Unit applied, it sets the footer on the lead's record. {{lead.Business-Unit-Unsubscribe}}

Likewise I also have a token for social media. I have a twitter feed per country (?!?!?!) so I need to make sure that people can get to the right country's feed directly from their email, so also during my lead creation process, once a country is applied, the proper social media buttons are inserted, then in all my email templates I have, {{lead.Social-buttons}} 

I'm also using tokens for Sales Readiness. So if a sales dude sets a Call Back Date in CRM for them to reminder to follow up. I use a token in Marketo such that 1 day before, it sends an alert to the sales guy & asks them to follow up the next day.

I think those are the most interesting tokens beyond what Diederik has already said, of course in each program we're using tokens, especially for Webinars & Events. 

PRO-TIP- If you're working with a token which will be placed into a LINK (ie <a href=), then be sure not to use any spaces in the name!  Notice I use hyphens in most of my token names. This makes sure that the space isn't replaced by %20 (the ascii character for blank space) which can break the token from being properly rendered..
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Re: How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

I need to add one thing to what Adam said about URL tokens. Do NOT include the http:// in the token. Else click won't be registered in your email performance reports. So use a token like "" and in the email use "http://{{my.landingpageurltoken}}".
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Re: How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

OOPF, I didn't know that Diederik. Now I look at my stats and I see that there less clicks than downloads, which isn't possible. I'll create an idea to improve.
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Re: How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

Hi Adam,

I noticed the same issue a while ago. Over 200 form fillouts after a batch email, but supposedly only 17 people clicked in the email. There are already 2 discussions about this on the community, both picked up by support.
Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: How are you using Tokens? Looking for use cases

We use tokens a lot for webinars, especially when we do a series of webinars. The tokens contain everything from webinar name to the dial-in information to the date/time of the event. This way we can clone it and our landing pages, emails, reminders, registration, etc are all half done for each webinar. We just have to make tweaks for little things like when the webinar title is slightly longer or shorter than a previous one. Otherwise, it saves us a ton of time.

We also use them for our events, such as tradeshows. Our standard campaigns around tradeshows all contain the same information with the event name, date & time and our booth number. This makes my life easier as our campaign manager to be able to quickly create the next event, especially since our industry has over a hundred tradeshows in a year.