Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

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Level 3

Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record



I have a PURL website that has dynamic content based on the known user (their name is in the URL). On page load, it recognizes the correct user because it has their name on top banner (via tokens).  The problem I'm having is that when I fill out the form, it is creating a new record in the database, instead of updating the known user's record. How do I resolve this? 


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

Are you attempting to change the Email Address of the existing lead by using a different value on the form?

Level 3

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

No, I'm updating their Major, Phone, and Parent Email.  When I look at the activity log for the associated user, it doesn't show they've filled out the form and it didn't update their record. 


By the way, the PURL page I'm testing is using your PURL fix from this article:

I don't think that's the issue, but it should know which user record to update based on the PURL, right? The PURL includes their Marketo Unique Name. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

What's an actual (p)URL so I can look at it?
Level 3

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record


By default, there's general intro text to the left of the form. After you choose a major and submit the form, and go back to the PURL page, the intro text is should change to be more relevant to the major you selected, and a new form will display. But it's stuck on the default content because the user's record did not actually get updated. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

Add the system Email field to the form as a Hidden field with Pre-Fill enabled.

Level 3

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

Okay, I've added the hidden field. I left the default value as "null". I cleared my browser's cache and tried submitting the form again. It's now updating one of the new records it created from yesterday. See the screenshot for notes.


Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at 11.02.00 AM.png

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

Set the default value to

{{lead.Email Address}}
Level 3

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

I added {{lead.Email Address}} as the default (see screenshot), and opened a different PURL link However, it placed my form submission under a different record that was created a few days ago (see screenshot), and it didn't actually insert the correct email. It literally posted it as I typed it "{{lead.Email Address}}".


Screen Shot 2020-02-17 at 8.38.58 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-17 at 8.39.30 AM.png

Level 3

Re: Form on PURL page is not updating correct user record

This is very weird. It looks like sometimes the forms work, and sometimes they don't work. It's very unpredictable. By the way, both forms are embedded via token. Could that be a problem??


I removed the {{lead.Email Address}} hidden field since that wasn't working. I unapproved the Junior page and re-approved it. I cleared my cookies in Chrome. When I fill out the form on this PURL:, it works fine now. However, the first few times I did that, it didn't work, so I don't know why it suddenly works now.


Then, when I open another tab in Chrome and fill out the form for this PURL:

and it applied the form responses to this PURL instead:


I can't understand why this is happening. We're going to email PURLs to thousands of students and I'd like their responses to apply to their record only. I'm not confident it will work correctly if I'm getting such weird results for my test users. 


I'm not sure if this is relevant to the issue,  but here's a screenshot of the Chrome console whenever I load the page. Would this is causing the problem?

Screen Shot 2020-02-17 at 12.20.59 PM.png