Email Program A/B Test - Unapproving the program does not prevent the winner from being sent

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Email Program A/B Test - Unapproving the program does not prevent the winner from being sent


The other day we encountered a human error, in which an undesired subject line made its way into the A/B Test of an email program. The issue was quickly snuffed out, and we unapproved the program to prevent the winner from being sent, or so we thought. The winner send date on the program became greyed out and a new box to select winner send date appeared. This box was not touched and the program never approved. 


Fast Forward 24 hours, the winner gets sent, with no indication in Marketo, the Program Icon stayed as if net new, no ticker symbol or mail symbol. On top of that we had sent the correct email just prior with the typical "was not sent prior email" filter to exclude the 20% that received the test.


Therefore we just emailed a good tenth of our database duplicative emails within a half hour of each other with differing subject lines. The damage this caused to our sender rep I'm sure will sting.

To make matters worse, when searching the community, this was an issue brought up in 2017 that still hasn't been addressed. In the Product Docs it lays out a "Abort Program" option that is not present, because the program doesn't appear as if its in the middle of processing a send.


This is a major issue and one that can cause some serious negative effects to the Marketo customer. How has this not been remedied by now? Has anyone found a way to fix this on their own? Am i missing a major product release? Would love some feedback.