Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

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Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

We are having issues with accessing links directly through some CTA’s in emails from direct Marketo links. This is mainly due to restrictions imposed on some of the companies that we work with. It makes it incredibly hard when trying to provide long form content such as PDF or information hosted on webpages.

I was trying to use QR codes as a way of navigating around this the idea is that the long form content will be accessible via their mobile device should they wish to consume it, but having a generic QR code will lose end to end trackability per individual within Marketo.

Is there a way to have the Marketo user enter the URL that is required for the person to land on but have Marketo dynamically create personalized QR codes with the personalized Marketo tracking link for each individual recipient to maintain this tracking, even when the QR code is scanned from an independent device?

Would this be feasible or does anyone else do anything similar?


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

You can create a personalized QR code in Velocity. QR codes merely encode a URL internally. So as long as that URL is generated with the mkt_tok attached in advance, the QR code itself will be personalized.

Alternately, you can use a webhook to fetch a unique QR code and use another personalization mechanism, like a Munchkin associator token, to accomplish the same as the mkt_tok.

It's an intriguing idea to use QR codes to get around strict blocks on all hyperlinks. A bit deceptive perhaps ... but if the end users want the content, sounds legit to me.

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

You can create a personalized QR code in Velocity. QR codes merely encode a URL internally. So as long as that URL is generated with the mkt_tok attached in advance, the QR code itself will be personalized.

Alternately, you can use a webhook to fetch a unique QR code and use another personalization mechanism, like a Munchkin associator token, to accomplish the same as the mkt_tok.

It's an intriguing idea to use QR codes to get around strict blocks on all hyperlinks. A bit deceptive perhaps ... but if the end users want the content, sounds legit to me.

Level 10

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

Sanford Whiteman Please do share how one would generate a QR code in velocity on the fly

Regarding your question John, we use a php QR code generation service for events. We have an img tag with src to something like{{lead.Id}}&pid={{program.Id}} and it's set up to provide a png QR code of the query string

Applying the same method, in your emails you could have an <img src="" /> where it's set up to provide a png QR code of the 'link' parameter's value

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

I'll get around to it eventually, many posts in the way.

Level 4

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

@SanfordWhiteman Did you get around to this? 

@SanfordWhiteman wrote:

I'll get around to it eventually, many posts in the way.

We have two trade shows coming up where we are printing QR codes to drive to Marketo landing pages. 


Our sales would like to know:

—I want to make sure we are set up to track these QR codes. I’m assuming we used a free QR code generator so we should have the link utm tagged. We want to be able to track:

  • Total scans
  • Unique scans
  • Location & Time (can tell us if the wallet-sized cards went home with ppl)
  • Device 

I've searched to this in the community and the recommendation is SnapApp but I wondered if that is still the current recommendation? 

Is there any way to achieve what sales want by hidden fields or something else? I assume I already have the munchkin code in the landing page upon its creation, correct?


Any help is appreciated.



Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking


it sounds like most of this is more of a Google Analytics type conversation.


Emebdding UTM in a QR code is easy peasy.  I used a free generator and this QR code 


equates to this link

(note the UTM codes)

You can get all of your bulleted pointed information in Google Analytics.  You can get some of it in Marketo.

What else are you looking to get other than your four bullets?

Level 4

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

Hi Jo,

I created a landing page in Marketo before we generated the QR code.

I will need to update the utm ( and generate a new code -- correct?

As far as google analytics I believe the person who manned that is no longer employed by the company. I need to look into getting access.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

Yes, the QR code is equivalent to an <a> tag here. So you need to generate a new code if you want to add more query params.


I agree with Jo that for this application, where it’s just one big QR code that everyone scans, there’s no reason to use a dynamic QR API or anything like that. Just generate the right code and print it out.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

@Tracy_Boesken ,

that's correct.  Work out the exact UTM parameters you want (you might want to identify the tradeshow in the utm_campaign), and then generate the code.



Level 2

Re: Dynamically created QR Codes with Marketo tracking

Thankyou Sanford Whiteman‌ and Jay Jiang‌. Very helpful!