Do you create a new form for every campaign or use a few form templates for everything?

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Do you create a new form for every campaign or use a few form templates for everything?

I'm thinking of moving to forms 2.0 so now seems the right time to reevaluate our forms strategy.

We currently create a new form for each campaign so that we can use the "filled out form" trigger. I've also heard of people creating one of each type of form and using it in many different campaigns? Are there any drawbacks to this approach?

The obvious pro of only have to make changes once instead on every form does sound appealing...
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Level 4

Re: Do you create a new form for every campaign or use a few form templates for everything?

I always try to use forms as global assets across multiple different programs (I usually create forms by source or channel in the design studip) then use the web page that the form sits on as a contraint for any triggers or filters. It is just much easier to manage.

Naturally, there are still certain programs that require a custom local form, but for my own sanity, I try to create as few forms as possible without restricting my ability to accomplish the goals I have set.
Jeff Canada
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Re: Do you create a new form for every campaign or use a few form templates for everything?

You might also find  that using a global asset form makes it easier to manage changes to your progressive profiling strategies. I have one really, really long form that is our progressive profiling form. It's used on about half the landing pages on our site. If I need to change field values or order, it's one change and then bulk approval of the pages that use it.

Like Jeff mentioned, I use web page constraints for anything triggered by that form fillout.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Do you create a new form for every campaign or use a few form templates for everything?

Global assets are much better. Local forms make the net new lead as acquired by and any lead as a member of the Program automatically. That's usually ok, but I prefer to control that more with standard forms and status flows.

You should have several Standard Forms:

Content Download
Email Newsletter Sign Up
Unsubscribe or Subscription Management
Webinar Registration
Event Registration

This ensures consistency of data collection, especially if you are using Hidden fields or URL parameters to stamp leads with more data.

Yes, you can CLONE these standard ones to a Local Program, but do this sparingly.

Please remember that the Fills Out Form trigger has a valuable Constraint: Web Page. So your new form trigger will be

Fills Out Form IS "Standard X" on Page "Y" to ensure you collect the person on the correct Program.

Level 10

Re: Do you create a new form for every campaign or use a few form templates for everything?

I'm on board with everyone else, global assets will help you to maintain your sanity and seem to be a best practice.

As Josh sort of mentioned, another thing that you can do for programs that are for the same piece of content or offer that are all currently separate is use a hidden field on the form that will be populated by a URL parameter from the page where your form is filled out.
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Re: Do you create a new form for every campaign or use a few form templates for everything?

Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to move in that direction!