DNS & Email Addresses

Not applicable

DNS & Email Addresses

We just set up a new DNS and we're looking to use from and reply to email addresses with a different domain. Will this cause any issues?


DNS: learn.abc.com

From Email Address: info@def.com

Are there any deliverability implications?



Level 10

Re: DNS & Email Addresses

Hi Sam,

I don't think this is what you mean. Are you referring to DKIM? Your Landing Page CNAME? Your Email Tracking Link CNAME? Please clarify.


Not applicable

Re: DNS & Email Addresses

Hi Justin,

I'm referring to the sending DNS. The DKIM and SPF records authenticate you as a sender. So, I'm trying to find out if our from email address is different from our DNS domain, if that has any impact.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: DNS & Email Addresses

Sam, unless you have a branded sender domain on your instance (this would need to be added to your Marketo subscription, and while you may well want to add it, if you haven't you're still in the default state) then the SPF for your domain is not looked up.

When you say "sending DNS" this is actually ambiguous, because the visible From: header (a domain that belongs to you) and the envelope sender (*.mktomail.com) need not be the same, though both can be referred to as the "sender" in common usage.

Similarly, as Justin said, "DNS domain" could refer to the domain in your From: header, the LP domain, or your branding (tracking) domain.  Each is a "DNS domain" if they are domains you own.

DKIM-wise, Marketo signs the From: header but does not include the Reply-To, for what that's worth.

Anyway, reading between the lines, it seems like you may be wondering if From: <myname@example.com> with links in the email body to http://clicktracking.another-example.com is going to impact deliverability.  My answer is that any effect is is negligible.  But make sure that you have DKIM and SPF both set up for the From: -- even if SPF is not currently consulted you might as well be ready if you add a branded sender later.

Level 10

Re: DNS & Email Addresses

Nothing much to say here that hasn't already been said, but I did want to note that I've used link tracking on a separate domain than the one that's being mailed from (or even used as the main asset hosting/final destination) and there's been absolutely no impact in terms of deliveribility, even to secure corporate filters.

You should be fine.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: DNS & Email Addresses

Def'ly! Anytime your From: and click tracking domain don't share the same registered domain/SLD, you're in this situation, so this is pretty common.