Conditional form field required for US residents not being filled out before form submitted

Level 1

Conditional form field required for US residents not being filled out before form submitted

We just came across an interesting issue with one of our forms. We have a contact form that asks for country. If they choose the US we have a conditional State field that appears and is required. But we have found persons who selected the US in that form, never selected a State(required) and they successfully submitted the form.


It has been suggested that the field could have been blocked by a setting in the user's browser. Has anyone come across this before and do you know of any reference around this issue? I've never seen this before and would love to understand more if this is true. I haven't found anything on the forum or on Google, but I may not be wording the search right.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Conditional form field required for US residents not being filled out before form submitted

It has been suggested that the field could have been blocked by a setting in the user's browser. 

Nah, that's nonsense. The whole form can be blocked by Tracking Protection (see my many posts on that) but not one field.


O' course if you don't supply a link to your form it's impossible to tell you anything specific.

Level 1

Re: Conditional form field required for US residents not being filled out before form submitted

Thanks Sanford.

Here is a link to the webpage with the form:

Any additional insight you can find would be very appreciated.