Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese and Korean Email Fonts

Level 10

Re: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese and Korean Email Fonts

Do you have screen grab of what it looks like when you used: Arial, メイリオ, Meiryo, MS Pゴシック, MS PGothic, ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, sans-serif;

I've been using this for a number of years and my Japanese colleagues never reported issues. I've used it here too: Would be interested to see what conflicts you had.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese and Korean Email Fonts

just FYI,

The latest OSs (Win10 and recent Mac OS versions) have use another fonts set as default in Japanese.

It still supports the traditional fonts, but looks different and old.

Level 10

Re: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese and Korean Email Fonts

Taishi Yamada​, what are the new font names for Japan, do you have any local websites that are using them?

Not applicable

Re: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese and Korean Email Fonts

Does anyone know of a good font-family stack for Vietnamese?