Change program status from a lead alert email

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Level 4

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

Thanks Dan for that last note. The back and forth on Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me was quite a read; I'll have a to give a try to see if I correctly understood all the fine points.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

Here, let me simplify this for you:

Place this code in the <HEAD> of the LP template, just below the META tags:


  <script>document.cookie = "_mkto_trk=;path=/;domain="+""+";expires=0"</script>

<!-- END -->

Be sure to modify "" for your domain.  This is the only customization that necessary here.

And then place this script directly on the LP in design view (we still use the older LP framework - not guided - for some of our internal/operational LPs due to the ease of placing code like this directly on the page):

<!-- Clear the Marketo tracking cookie value on submission of the form, without having to delete the cookie itself from the user’s browser. -->

<script>// <![CDATA[

//add a callback to the first ready form on the page

MktoForms2.whenReady( function(form){

    //add the tracking field to be submitted


        //clear the value during the onSubmit event to prevent tracking association

    form.onSubmit( function(form){




// ]]></script>

<!-- END -->

We've created the code above as a snippet and just drag the snippet onto any page that we want to prevent Munchkin tracking (while use the no-tracking LP template):


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

Note Robert Kelen the first part of the code above should only be used if you want the *entire session* untracked -- that is to say, that none of the program owner's web activities need to be tracked in Marketo.

For internal users, this is usually the case. But a counterexample would be when you use Marketo to monitor use of some internal pages, like HR or scheduling apps, etc. In such cases, you don't want to delete the cookie because then you'll get anonymous activities again (until they are next associated by clicking an email or via an associateLead call).

A MktoForms2.whenReady listener is sufficient to no-track the form submit without no-tracking the whole sesh.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

Good points, Sandy.  So in other words, just including the script directly within the LP (and not using a dedicated "no track" LP template - with the script to create the empty Munchkin cookie) will suffice here - correct?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

I don't think there's anything with using a dedicated template w/Munchkin off, but as documentation more than as a technical measure.

The <script> to clear the current cookie value, though, has those possibly unwanted side effects.

Level 4

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

How do these extra steps (the MktoForms2.whenReady listener, and the empty cookie) differ from the built-in "Disable Munchkin Tracking" template action? Thanks.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

They serve distinctly different -- sometimes complementary, sometimes conflicting -- purposes.

  • Disable Munchkin Tracking: Won't load nor init() the Munchkin library on that page, so won't send pageview or click events. But doesn't stop an existing Munchkin cookie from being added to a form.

This is the option that is frequently misinterpreted as "no-track" when actually it means "no-new-track," if you will.  And because not everyone will have an existing cookie, it can appear to work, like if you're testing in Incognito/InPrivate windows (which is a good idea in general). But in reality it doesn't suffice to create a Referral Form, and can actually make things worse, because it makes it harder to track the use of the referral form itself by salespeople/partners etc.

  • Empty or delete Munchkin cookie: As long as the Munchkin library is not init()'d later on that page, will will ensure the form post is not tied to an existing lead. But also forces the session to be anonymous again. So if you make use of Munchkin tracking data for your internal people and/or partners, you'll be cutting yourself off from that information unnecessarily, since all you want is for their referrals to not take over their data.

Note that the code above doesn't actually delete the cookie, it empties it but the cookie still exists for the duration of the page view and maybe much longer. The cookie is set to delete only when the browser closes (expires=0). While the cookie is empty, whether it's considered de facto nonexistent depends on the JavaScript code that's used. Some code will say an empty cookie is as good as nonexistent, others won't.

This difference in behavior means you really shouldn't use that code but rather this:

document.cookie="empty=;path=/;;expires=" + new Date(0).toGMTString();

The code above truly removes the cookie (immediately). If indeed that's what you want to do.

  • whenReady listener: Ensures that form post will not contain a cookie value, thus the form data will not reassociate the session. This is what you typically want for a Referral Form. Does not delete the existing cookie, just stops it from being sent for Filled Out Form activities in particular, so standard Munchkin activities are still tracked.

The go-to code for this (Dan posted it above) is kinda quirky, relying on undocumented Forms 2.0 behavior, but totally works.

Level 4

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

Thanks Sanford!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Change program status from a lead alert email

Edited to add some color just now.