Setting Up a Zapier Integration Between Marketo and Eventbrite - Part III

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Marketo Program Setup for a Zapier/Marketo/Eventbrite Integration along with a few tips.

Eventbrite Event Setup

  • Create an event in Eventbrite
  • Note the Eventbrite Event ID
    • You can find the ID in the URL
    • The ID will be used to setup your Marketo smart campaign

Marketo Program Setup

Create a Marketo program template and use it for future events.

  • Program Type: Event
  • Channel: Live Event


  • When you clone the Marketo program template it might be wise to change the name of the Marketo Program so it matches the EventBrite program name
  • Use a naming convention starting with YYYY-MM-DD
  • Append the name of the Marketo Program with the Eventbrite Event ID
  • The setup below doesn't require creating a static list and you don't have to add registrants or attendees to a static list for the integration to work.

Create a Smart Campaign for Attendee - Checked in

  • This smart campaign will change the Marketo program status of a person who checks in for an event to “Live Event > Attended”
  • Add the Eventbrite Event ID to the trigger below
  • Also add "- Attended" to the trigger below, this is super important. Remember you will need to have to Zaps in Zapier. One for people who register for an Eventbrite event and another for when they check-in.
  • No other triggers are required for this smart campaign as long as no new records are created when a person checks in.

Create a Smart Campaign for Registered

  • This smart campaign will change the Marketo program status of a person who registers for an event to “Live Event > Registered”
  • Add the Eventbrite Event ID to the trigger below
  • Also add "- Registered" to the trigger below, this is super important. Remember you will need to have to Zaps in Zapier. One for people who register for an Eventbrite event and another for when they check-in.

  • Activate Smart Campaign
  • That’s it, Marketo set-up is complete.

Check Everything

  • Check that both Marketo smart campaigns have the correct Event ID and one is for Attendees and the other for Registrations
  • Check that both Marketo smart campaigns are active
  • Check that both Zaps are being triggered by the correct event. One Zap should be setup for Attendees and the other for Registrations
  • Test everything
    • Register for an Eventbrite event

      • Use a test format email address
      • Example
      • Check the Marketo program members tab to see if the record status is registered
    • Change the Attendee status in Eventbrite to Checked-in
      • Check the Marketo program members tab to see if the record status is attended

That's it.