Admin MCE Question (2 VPS and CEO)

Level 2

Admin MCE Question (2 VPS and CEO)

Please let us know is the D is correct answer?

1) A company operates in multiple regions and has identified the vice president (VP) of sales in each region as a stakeholder in the lead scoring development process. The VPs of sales of two major regions disagree about the significance of a specific factor. Which course of action will allow both definitions to be incorporated?

a) Implement a global scoring model that uses the weighted average of both of the provided scores

b) Implement a global scoring model incorporating the opinion of the most experienced VP of sales

c) Implement a global scoring model giving equal weighting to both VPs of sales input regardless of the lead region

D) Implement a global scoring model giving varied weightings to both VPs of sales input according to the lead region


Second- please provide the answer


2) A company has never done lead scoring before and wants to build a scoring model. Match each stakeholder to the appropriate type of insight the stakeholder can provide during model development.

a) Marketing team

b) Sales/inside sales team

c) CEO

d) Company CRM

Answer options may be used more than once or not at all

  1. Demand generation activities
  2. First-hand information about past interactions with people
  3. Data about past deals and opportunities
  4. Company strategy

thanks in advance

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Level 1

Re: Admin MCE Question (2 VPS and CEO)

Hi Narasimha,


I found this solution on a website


A company has never done lead scoring before and wants to build a scoring model. Match each stakeholder to the appropriate type of insight the stakeholder can provide during model development.
Answer options may be used more than once or not at all

 Correct answersYour responses 
Marketing teamFirst-hand information about past interactions with peopleFirst-hand information about past interactions with people(correct)
Company CRMCompany strategyCompany strategy(correct)
Sales/inside sales teamData about past deals and opportunitiesData about past deals and opportunities(correct)
CEODemand generation activitiesDemand generation activities(correct)


(I thought CEO  takes care of Company strategy.)
