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What is HSTS? The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.  This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks by telling the browser it should never interact with their domain without first establishing a secure HTTPS connection.   What does this mean for Marketo assets? A domain can assert the HSTS policy for all of it's subdomains.  This means both the subdomains used for Marketo landing pages and the subdomains for Marketo tracking links must also be secured with SSL certificates.  If HSTS is asserted and the Marketo subdomains are not secured, people that visit landing pages or click on tracked links in emails will receive security errors and browsers will not load the pages.   This is resolved by purchasing both Secured Domains for Landing Pages and Secured Domains for Tracking Links.  There are very few exceptions where a domain utilizing HSTS will not need to secure both landing page domains and tracking link domains.   How do I know if my domain is using HSTS? Reach out to your IT and/or web development team to confirm whether or not your domain utilizes HSTS and if both Secured Domains and Tracking Links are necessary for your business.  If your website utilizes HSTS and has the "include subdomains" flag set to true, you will need to secure both your landing page domains and tracking link domains in almost all circumstances.   Google Chrome has a built in HSTS checker that you can use to verify your HSTS settings.   1.  Visit the root domain of your website with the Chrome browser.  For example, if your Marketo landing pages use, navigate to  This will load the domain's HSTS policy into Chrome.   2.  Navigate to chrome://net-internals/#hsts in Chrome.  This will load Chrome's HSTS checker.   3.  In the "Query HSTS/PKP domain" section, type in your domain you wish to check.  Click "Query".   This is a article attached image   4.  If the query returns "Found" with a list of configuration settings, you will need to check two settings: If either "status_upgrade_mode" or "dynamic_upgrade_mode" have the value "FORCE_HTTPS" or "STRICT", then the domain is enforcing HSTS and all connections are made over HTTPS. If either "static_pkb_include_subdomains" or "dynamic_pkp_include_subdomains" are equal to "true", then all subdomains are subject to the HSTS policy.   If both of the above are true then both Secured Domains for Landing Pages and Tracking Links may be required.   If the query returns "Not Found", or is not using a "FORCE_HTTPS" or "STRICT" policy then the landing page and tracking link subdomains may not have strict HTTPS requirements.     Always verify with your IT and/or web development team as to what your domain's security policies and requirements are.  Failure to properly secure your landing page or tracking domains according to your domain's security policy may result in landing pages or tracking links not resolving in browsers.  A lack of a strict HSTS policy does not necessarily mean you do not need to secure your Marketo domains.       My domain asserts HSTS on my subdomains but I do not have HTTPS encryption with my Marketo subscription.  What do I do? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss purchasing Secured Domains for Landing Pages and Secured Domains for Tracking Links.  Configuration instructions can be found below: Overview & FAQ: Secured Domains for Landing Pages Overview & FAQ: Secured Domains for Tracking Links
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Issue How do you delete the data in Marketo Custom Object records, or in specific fields on the custom object if the the custom objects have already been created and approved? Solution Marketo Custom Objects are not accessible via the User-Interface. API calls must be utilized in order to delete this record data.   You can delete the records via the 'Delete Custom Objects' call Delete Custom Objects   If you are interested in extracting any of the existing data, you can use the following GET call. You will need to make a 'Get Custom Objects' call Edit Custom Objects   Here is an additional resource that may be useful and relevant List Custom Objects
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Issue Changing your primary domain can be a bit of a daunting task if you don't know where to start, this guide will walk you through the steps you will need to take to use a new domain with your Marketo instance.   Solution Create your new CNAME and point that to your Marketo instance. If this new CNAME is going to be used as your primary domain, then the Domain Name in Admin > Landing Pages will need to be changed to reflect your new domain and your old domain should be added as a domain alias so any old links will be redirected to your new domain Add Additional Landing Page CNAMEs Adding a new branding domain is recommended when changing your domain. This will allow tracked links in emails add a tracking cookie when being directed to your new domain. A new CNAME will also need to be created for this and will need to point to the original tracking link for your instance. Add an Additional Branding Domain with Workspaces   If you plan on signing your emails with your new domain, setting up a new SPF/DKIM record is recommended to help keep your deliverability rates as high as possible. Set up SPF and DKIM for your Email Deliverability Set up a Custom DKIM Signature
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Issue Issue Description Unable to limit user access specific to certain programs or assets     Solution Customization of user roles for assets (such as landing pages, emails, etc.) or programs is currently unavailable. However, you can control user access by limiting their permissions to specific workspaces, provided that Workspaces are enabled for your Marketo instance. Configure Protocols for Marketo    
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Issue Issue Description API Only user is not appearing when creating a service in [Admin > LaunchPoint]     Solution Issue Resolution It is highly likely that the reason why the API user was not appearing because it did not have "API Only" ticked. This can be checked in [Admin > Users & Roles > User > Edit User]. However, this cannot be modified once the API user is created, so in order for the API user to appear in LaunchPoint, "API Only" must be ticked when the API user is created.    Reference: Create an API Only User Role   Who This Solution Applies To Admin users
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Issue You would like an links in an email to be tracked, but need to eliminate the tracking URL parameter on the tracked links. Solution In the Email Editor, you can uncheck "include mkt_tok" in the Edit Link box. This is a article attached image Adding a class "mktNoTok" to any Anchor Tag will allow you to keep the Link Tracking, but disable the Tracking Token Parameter from the URL. You may also edit the Head of the email HTML to make large sections with this class.    
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Issue You send a sample email to test the tokens in a Calendar (.ics) file, and the tokens are not populating. Create a Calendar Event (.ics) File     Solution Tokens in an .ics file do not populate for sample emails.  Send the email to a test lead via 'Send Email' Run Action in the Database instead or via a smart campaign.
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Issue How page views and form fills are counted in the statistics section of a Marketo Landing Page asset. Solution How they're calculated When viewing the Landing Page asset in either Design Studio or Marketing Activities, the statistics section provides information regarding page views and form fill outs, if the page has a form located on it.  The page views are a cumulative total indicating how many times the page was loaded, regardless if the visitor was a known record in the database. This means anonymous people can record a view here, due to Munchkin tracking on the page. This section provides a total number of views, not unique visits. This means that a person can load this page multiple times and each visit will be tallied in this section. The form fills section (x Filled out Form (x%)), indicates how many times a visitor filled the form out on the page, if it has one. This total is also counted in the same way the views section is, meaning it's a total number of submissions. Therefore, if a record in your database fills out the form more than once on a page, it will be counted toward the total.   Difference between calculations The difference between these two metrics is that the page views will keep a historical record of visits to the page. This means the total will not change if you happen to delete a bunch of records that visited the page in question - the total persists regardless if the record is no longer in the database. With that said, the forms section does not. This area is tied specifically to the existence of that known record in your database. This means that, once a record who filled the form out is removed from your database, the submissions they performed will be subtracted from the total.
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Issue The subject line for an email sent out to leads did not match what was set for an approved email.   Solution The email may have Dynamic Subject Lines enabled. Dynamic Subject Lines allow you to set dynamic content for the subject line based on the Segmentation of your leads. Visit our Documentation for further information about segments and dynamic content. Segments: Create a segmentation Dynamic Content: Using Dynamic Content in an email The issue can be resolved by converting the subject line to a Static Subject Line. A Static Subject Line is a single line of content that will send out to any recipient of your email, regardless of their segmentation. You can do so by doing the following:   Click on the Subject Line to bring up the Subject Line edit buttons. Click the Make Static button
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Issue There are multiple forms on a Marketo landing page. No custom code on any of the assets. Form Pre-fill is enabled on all fields, but only the first form on the landing page is being pre-filled. Solution Marketo does not support using multiple Marketo forms on a Marketo landing page. Pre-fill gets messy with multiple forms is because we only pull pre-fill for the first form that we load.
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Included in this article:   Overview Limitations Error Handling and Troubleshooting Overview No-Draft for Snippets allows you to distribute snippet changes without drafting approved assets using it. All assets using the edited snippet get the updates and maintain their respective status: Approved assets get the snippet updates and stay approved Drafts get the snippet updates and stay in draft mode No-Draft is automatically enabled for all Administrator roles. An admin can then enable this feature for any additional role. While No-Draft Snippets are very useful, they do have some limitations and issues that tend to arise. This article will show you what those limitations are and how to troubleshoot issues that can come up.   Limitations This feature is designed to save time with the snippet approval workflow. There are a few limitations to be aware of: No-Draft will not work if you replace one segmentation with another one in the same snippet. However, No-Draft will work if you change, add, or delete a segment within a segmentation that is referenced in the snippet No-Draft will not work if you add/remove a segmentation to a previously approved snippet By design, No-Draft will fail if you make a dynamic snippet static, or a static snippet dynamic. If your use case requires this scenario, then we recommend you create a new snippet to be used across your assets. If you must update the existing snippet, then you will need to approve it using the Create Draft option, then re-approve the assets using the snippet (in other words, the old behavior) No-Draft does not auto-approve drafts Users without the No-Draft permission can still approve a snippet, however it will generate drafts of approved assets No-Draft works only when approving one snippet at a time Assets using the snippet are locked for approval until No-Draft is done processing Snippet updates made to approved assets cannot be rolled back No-Draft applies only to snippets   Error Handling and Troubleshooting If something goes wrong, an error message is delivered to the Notification section of Marketo. You can subscribe to this notification and receive email alerts in their inbox. Users must subscribe to No-Draft in each workspace with the permission enabled.   If an error does occur, chances are that the update process was not completed. Some assets may have the updated snippet content and others may not.   To resolve, redraft the snippet and re-approve. 1. Select the snippet and click Edit Draft. 2. Make a small edit in the snippet editor to create a draft (such as pressing the keyboard’s spacebar). 3. Click Approve Snippet. 4. In the dialog box, select Update all to start over.   This should fix the issue. Contact Marketo Support if the problem persists.
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Issue: My landing page is showing the wrong title, why is this and how do I fix it?   Solution: When you clone a landing page, the title of the old page carries over to the new one. In order to update the page title please see Edit Landing Page Title and Metadata for detailed instructions.
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Issue Issue Description The user role has all the permissions to Design Studio, but whenever trying to preview an email, a limited access message is displayed: "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action" This is a article attached image     Solution Issue Resolution The user role must have permission to 'Access Database'. The full access to Database is not needed, just the main access by selecting 'Access Database' and unchecking everything else underneath. The reason for this permission is that, when previewing emails, you are able to select to preview an email as a specific lead. In order for this to happen, users will need access to leads. 
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Issue Issue Description Landing Page is not selectable as a Web Page constraint value for a Fills Out Form trigger.   Solution Issue Resolution Check if Landing Page is Approved Check if Landing Page is within the same workspace as the Smart Campaign with the Fills Out Form trigger [Note: this condition is only applicable if there are workspaces within the instance] Check if Landing Page is NOT within an archived folder Check if Landing Page has a form associated with it. If not, then it will not appear as a selectable option as Web Page constraint. While it is possible that a form can be inserted directly into the HTML of the landing page template, the landing page will not be associated with the form in this way.   This is a article attached image For a Landing Page to be a selectable option as a Web Page constraint it must be associated with a form by inserting the form to the landing page via the UI as illustrated in our docs below: This is a article attached image
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Issue After adding an IFrame to an email in the Marketo email editor, the IFrame seems to disappear when you view the email in an email client (such as Outlook, Apple Mail, or Gmail).     Solution The reason why you can see the IFrame in Marketo but not in your email client is because not all email clients support IFrames. If yours does not support them, the IFrame will be blocked and will not appear in the email. You can try viewing the email in another email client to see the IFrame.
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Issue Clicking "Automatically copy over from HTML" or "Copy from HTML" in the Email Editor fails to copy the contents over to the Text Only version of the email. Solution This can occur if there are no editable sections in the email asset. Only in editable sections of an email will be copied over to the Text version of an email. Here is additional documentation: A quick workaround would be to manually copy and paste the content you wish in the Text Version, and in the future build/use templates to make emails with editable sections.    
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Issue Marketo Forms embedded on non-Marketo web page do not show up when using Firefox private browsing.   Solution Marketo forms and Munchkin tracking are inserted into non-Marketo pages via Javascript. If the browser privacy settings block the script from executing, Marketo forms and tracking will not work.  Marketo is not able to override a customer's browser security settings. The alternatives are as follows: Create a non-Marketo form on the web page Use a backend form submission to push the info in the form into Marketo. Instructions for doing so can be found here:  
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Issue How to move Design Studio assets when migrating to a new instance. Solution Clone the assets into a Program, then import the Program into the new instance. For Forms, make sure the fields also exist in the destination instance. Same for Lead tokens in Emails/LPs. Dynamic Content & snippets are not supported in Program Import.
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Issue Using a browser with JavaScript disabled causes display and validation problems with Marketo forms.     Solution When JavaScript is disabled in a browser, it can cause a couple of different behaviors. For embedded forms, the form will not load on the page because it is loaded by JavaScript. For non-embedded forms on a Marketo landing page, the form will load but it will be a bare bones version of the form that does not validate field input, because validation is handled by JavaScript. If you want to display a message to users with JavaScript disabled, you can use the “noscript” tag to display a message that prompts users to enable it in order to render the page correctly: Here’s an example using that with an embedded form: <script src="//"></script> <form id="mktoForm_1001"></form> <script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "507-ILX-247", 1001);</script> <noscript>You have JavaScript disabled! Please enable JavaScript for the best experience on this site.</noscript>   For a Marketo landing page, I added an HTML Element with just the last line from the example above: <noscript>You have JavaScript disabled! Please enable JavaScript for the best experience on this site.</noscript>   Alternatively, you can use a redirect solution like this, which will send users with JavaScript disabled to another page: <html> <head> <noscript> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL="> </noscript> </head> <body> <p>Fancy redirect page if JavaScript is not detected.</p> </body> </html>  
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Issue After setting up visibility rules on a form, you are not seeing the dynamic values for the field when you are testing the form. Solution The most likely reason that the dynamic values are not displaying is because of a discrepancy between the visibility rules and the field values. The value for the visibility rule must match the field values.   Example: A common example of this is Country/State dynamic visibility. Based on the Country selected, the State field will show with dynamic values. So say that on the form, there are 50 values for the State field and there are also specific values under the visibility rules that are associated with the Country selection. It is likely that the values in the visibility rules do not match up with these 50 field values. If you select US and the dynamic values are the full State names, such as California, but the value in the State field is CA, the visibility rules will be attempting to display a value that does not exist.   The solution is to either change the visibility rules' values, or change the field values, so that the values match.    
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