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No, if you have received the blacklist notification, you are not blocked from sending mail.  You can continue to mail while you work through the remediation steps. The only time we will ever block you from sending mail is if you trigger a listing at Spamhaus, the world’s most respected and widely used blacklist. If this happens, you will receive a call or email to let you know what’s going on and we will work with you to resolve the issue. This is a rare occurrence. Additional Resources: Can you give me the spam trap address that triggered the listing? What is a spamtrap, or spam trap, and why does it matter? What is a blacklist? How does Marketo respond to blacklisting and spam notifications? Top blacklists - What you need to know Blacklist Remediation Successful Reconfirmation
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If you sent an email from the Lead Database (as a Single Flow Action), as part of a campaign, or as a test email but didn't receive it, here are some tips.   Check the "From:" address   When sending a test message, make sure to check the "From:" address setting on your message. To do this, go to the Email Settings tab of the email editor. In the "From:" field, make sure that you either have a single valid email address, or a valid email address as the default, if you are using a token.   Many people want to send their messages from the lead owner. When you use the send test feature, the email address you are sending to doesn't have a full lead record, and so it doesn't have a lead owner. Since Marketo cannot send an email with no "From:" address, test messages without a valid email address in the "From:" field will not send.   Send as a Lead   If you have verified that the email had a valid From: address and you still aren't getting it, make sure to create yourself as a lead and send using a flow action.   See if the mail was sent   If you sent the email as part of a campaign or Single Flow Action, check the campaign's Results tab or your lead detail page to see if that mail was already sent to you. If it hasn't been sent yet, try waiting a little while longer.   Check your Junk Mail   In your email client, check your Junk Mail or Spam folder to see if the mail landed there. If it did, you should change the content of your email.   Check your corporate spam filter   Your corporate mail server may have blocked emails from Marketo; you should contact your IT department to see if this is the case. Please see our instructions for whitelisting Marketo's email servers: Add Marketo to Your Corporate Email Whitelist   Try sending to a different recipient   If you sent the original mail to your corporate account, try sending to a personal account on Yahoo or Gmail. If you sent it to a personal account, try your corporate mail account.    Use Marketo's Email Deliverability product   The Email Deliverability PowerPack, with Design Informant and Inbox Informant, can warn you when your mail is being rejected because of its content and help you identify junk mail pitfalls. Also, using Domain Keys and SPF improve the chances of your email landing in your leads' inboxes.   Contact Marketo   If you still can't figure out what happened contact Marketo to see if we can help.
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Issue Syncing a SFDC custom field that is not on the Lead, Contact, or Account object.   Solution Any custom field created in Salesforce that is not linked with Lead, Contact or Account objects will not sync to Marketo. Only the Lead, Contact and Account objects can be synced down to Marketo by default. If you would like to have any custom field synced to Marketo, it must be associated to a Lead, Contact or Account object in Salesforce. Custom Objects created in your Salesforce instance can be part of Marketo too. To use a custom object in Marketo, it must be associated to a Lead, Contact or Account object in Salesforce as well. For more information on syncing Salesforce Custom Objects, please see the documentation here: SFDC Sync: Custom Object Sync. Fields on the SFDC Custom Object do not become fields in the Marketo lead database, but can be used as filter constraints on Custom Object filters - Add/Remove Custom Object Field as Smart List/Trigger Constraints.  
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Issue You receive a notification that the Salesforce sync failed with the error "SalesForce Sync Error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW"   Solution This indicates that something else in Salesforce was writing to the record at the moment the Marketo Salesforce sync tried to make the update. Since only one "user" at a time can update a record, Marketo was unable to do so, and the sync failed.   Marketo will retry an operation a few times if this keeps being received but will fail and move on if it happens too many times. If these have recently become common, you might want to look into any new API integrations to SFDC that you've deployed or any new AppExchange packages with your SFDC Admin to see if you might be able to tune it to avoid this collision.   Who This Solution Applies To  Customers integrated with Salesforce.
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Issue Why does the record in Marketo have an Opportunity when its matching synced Contact in Salesforce does not have an Opportunity? Solution The Contact in Salesforce has an Opportunity Contact Role associated with an Opportunity that belongs to other Contacts. Since "Marketo associates Opportunities and contacts using Opportunity Contact Roles.", Marketo syncs down the Opportunity for the record has it has an Opportunity Contact Role associated with it. If the Opportunity is needed to be removed from the record in Marketo, then: The Opportunity will first need to be deleted in SFDC. The visibility of the role value that is not the primary owner of the Opportunities will need to be removed from the Marketo Sync User. Re-create the Opportunity so that it can be associated to the primary owner.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers who has Salesforce integrated to Marketo
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Issue Can Interesting Moments and Web Activity be written on the Account object in SalesForce? Solution Marketo does not have permissions or capabilities to write to the account object. Marketo can only write data to the Contact or Lead Object in SalesForce. If you want to have that data recorded on the Account object, you would be able to setup a custom SalesForce work flow to add that data to a field or as an activity in SalesForce. This data will not be usable or recognized by sales insight however.
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Issue What is the typical sync interval timing? Is there a timing difference between updates and inserts? If the change originates in SFDC vs MKTO? Solution By default the sync interval in Marketo is set to 5 minutes. This can be set to be greater than 5 minutes on request. Now this doesn't mean that Marketo will sync updates every 5 minutes, it means that there will be approximately a 5 minute wait after one sync cycle finishes and and the next sync cycle begins. The duration that an individual sync cycle will take depends on how many records for each object need to be updated/created. Remember flow actions in smart campaigns are immediate, so if you ever don't want to wait for the background sync for a specific lead or set of leads then you could always run an intimidate flow action, just bear in mind that flow actions use 1 API call per lead record whereas the background sync is much more efficient and can handle 200 records with just one API call.    
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Issue Issue Description The custom object you created in SalesForce isn't showing up in the tree in Salesforce Objects Sync, or isn't showing up at the right level in the tree.   Solution Issue Resolution Make sure the Custom object has a lookup or Master-Detail relationship to the Lead, Contact, or Account object. Also ensure that the lookup field is visible to the Marketo Sync User  
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Issue A record in Marketo failed to sync to Salesforce due to a Field Validation error.  Errors may include the following: Failed: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION:  INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: bad value for restricted pick list field. Solution The lead was unable to sync to Salesforce because the value for a specific required field was missing or did not match the rules Salesforce had for the data in the field.  For example, the field in Salesforce could be a picklist and the value Marketo is trying to pass in the field is not in the picklist.  Salesforce always requires a Last Name and a Company Name value for all records, so if your lead is missing data in these fields, the sync will fail. To resolve this, check Salesforce to see what the acceptable values are for the field specified in the error, and make sure the Marketo record has the necessary information.  If you need further assistance with this, we recommend working with your SFDC Admin to determine why Salesforce is rejecting the record. This commonly happens when Country/State picklist is enabled on your SFDC instance. As a consequence, SFDC will reject any record with country/state value does not belong to the list and so you will have to make sure that countries are set correctly everywhere in Marketo, and especially: in forms in data management campaigns in imports For example, if you try to pass the value "New York" to Salesforce, it will not be accepted. Salesforce will only accept "NY". The error messages you're seeing are coming from Salesforce because the State fields have been standardized to only accept certain pick-list values. In order to get these records to sync with Salesforce you'll need to update them to have valid values. Contact your SFDC Admin to get the list of accepted values for that field and update the record in Marketo with the appropriate value that is accepted by SFDC. If you feel like pick list is not necessary on SFDC, you could just disable the state or country pick lists in SFDC by following the below document     Who This Solution Applies To Customers integrated with Salesforce    
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Issue You are re-branding your domain and would like to know if it is possible to transfer cookies from one domain to another.     Solution While there are general approaches to sharing cookies across domains, this is outside the scope of Marketo Support. Included below are some non-Marketo resources on approaches for sharing cookies The best point of contact will be your web developer and they will be able to help you out on this regard.        
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Issue You have multiple domains for your landing page CNAMES and want to choose which one is used for a landing page. Solution First, you will need to make sure your secondary domains are set up with a CNAME and a domain alias. You don't choose a domain when creating the page.  All pages are created under the default/original landing page domain, but they're all available from all domain aliases as well. Swapping out the default domain with the domain alias in the URL will take you to the same page.  You find more detail on this here - Multiple Domains (CNAMEs) in a Single Marketo Instance  
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Issue You may experience this error when we create campaigns in SFDC using Marketo Campaign sync through a program.     Solution The error that we are receiving indicates that the User Profile that Marketo uses to log into Salesforce doesn't have permissions inside of SFDC to create campaigns. To test this, log into Salesforce using the Marketo sync credentials and try to create an SFDC campaign.  If you are unable to do so, then Marketo cannot create campaigns via the sync.  You would need to work with your SFDC Admin to grant the Marketo sync user permission to create campaigns in SFDC. If still there is an error, please contact the Salesforce support team, since this error is coming from Salesforce.  
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Issue You already have a Marketo connected to an instance of Salesforce and want to switch to a different instance of SFDC.     Solution This is not possible. Once you have connected your Marketo instance to an instance of SFDC, that connection cannot be changed. If you want to connect Marketo to a different instance of SFDC, you would need to contact your Customer Success Manager to have a new Marketo instance provisioned.        
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Issue An update made in the CRM is taking longer than expected to sync to Marketo via the usual sync cycle. You need to avoid this for some of the data being passed between the two systems.     Solution Some delay in the sync is expected. It all depends on the current sync status, as well as how much data is being synced.   One possible workaround  would be to use API calls to push data into Marketo immediately. To make API calls into Marketo, you'll need to do the following Create an API Only User Role Create an API Only User Create a Custom Service for Use with ReST API   From there, you will be able to create API calls from your CRM and access API endpoints with this user to make updates in Marketo.  This method can also be used to sync data between Marketo and unsupported or custom CRMs.  Note: You will need to work with a developer to create the API calls.  Marketo Support are not trained as developers, so if you need assistance creating your API calls, you will need to work with Marketo Professional Services instead.    
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When a Salesforce-specific flow step runs, sometimes extra steps are performed automatically. Here are the rules, so you know: These rules will apply when the lead is not currently in as a contact or lead. Marketo Flow step Automatic Action Add to SFDC Campaign Sync Lead to SFDC Change Status in SFDC Campaign Sync Lead to SFDC Add to SFDC Campaign Change Owner Sync Lead to SFDC Convert Lead Sync Lead to SFDC Create Task Sync Lead to SFDC     You can filter out SFDC records in a Smart List using the SFDC Type Filter with the operator set to "is not empty".  All SFDC records have a value in this field.
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Issue When you navigate to Admin>Munchkin, you see option to select Workspace. Why is that? This is a article attached image   Solution People generally use workspsce either because of their companies geographical location or Business Unit. In each case, the separation is because the marketing assets are completely different.  With that said, If you're using Workspaces in your Marketo account, you probably also have separate web presences that correspond to your workspaces. In that case, you can use the Munchkin tracking Javascript to assign your anonymous people to the correct workspace and partition. This is used to differentiate appropriate leads within workspace with the help of appropriate tracking.   If you don't use the special workspace Munchkin code, the people will be assigned to the default partition that was created when your account was set up. It's named "Default" initially, but you might have changed that in your own Marketo account.  You can only use one Munchkin tracking script for a single partition and workspace on a page. Do not include tracking scripts for multiple partitions/workspaces on your website. I would also like to mention that Landing pages created in Marketo automatically contain tracking code, so you don’t need to put this code on them.    
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  Syntax Recommendations Common Look Up mechanisms Common Modifiers Too Many Mechanisms Character String Too Long Null Records in the SPF Record Repetitive Records in the SPF Record - Void Lookups Validation Tools Syntax Recommendations Common Look Up mechanisms a: mx: include: ip4: ip6: exists: ptr: all Common Modifiers redirect= exp=   An A Record must ALWAYS contain IP address (map host to IP) CNAME (Alias) must contain hostnames. No IPs here NS an MX records must contain host names. No IPs allowed. MX records (for mail servers)  should contain hostnames NOT IPs. Too Many Mechanisms Section 10.1, "Processing Limits" of the SPF RFC 4408 specifies the following in regards to DNS lookups: SPF implementations MUST limit the number of mechanisms and modifiers that do DNS lookups to at most 10 per SPF check, including any lookups caused by the use of the "include" mechanism or the "redirect" modifier.  If this number is exceeded during a check, a PermError MUST be returned.  The "include", "a", "mx", "ptr", and "exists" mechanisms as well as the "redirect" modifier do count against this limit.  The "all", "ip4", and "ip6" mechanisms do not require DNS lookups and therefore do not count against this limit. The "exp" modifier does not count against this limit because the DNS lookup to fetch the explanation string occurs after the SPF record has been evaluated. This limit is in place to prevent SPF lookups from being a useful avenue for Denial of Service attacks. Using an example SPF record as an example to illustrate, this record was breaking with 12 look-ups: text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [ 5 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all"  [ +1 = 6 mechanisms] a = text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+1 = 7 mechanisms] text = "v=spf1 -all"  [+3 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" [+0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" [+0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip6:2a01:111:f400:7c00::/54 ip6:2a01:111:f400:fc00::/54 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" [ +0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ~all"  [+2 = 12 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all"  [+0 = 12 mechanisms] text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+0 = 12 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+0 = 12 mechanisms] Character String Too Long 255 character limitation in a single string You may have more than 255 characters of data in a TXT or SPF record, but not more than 255 characters in a single string. If you attempt to create an SPF or TXT record with a long string (>255 characters) in it, BIND will give an error (e.g. "invalid rdata format: ran out of space".)  Strings in SPF and TXT records should be no longer than 255 characters.  However to get around this limitation, per RFC 4408 a TXT or SPF record is allowed to contain multiple strings, which should be concatenated together by the reading application.  In the case of use for SPF (using either TXT or SPF RRs) the strings are concatenated together without spaces as described below.  Reassembly by other applications of multiple strings stored in TXT records might work differently. 3.1.3. Multiple Strings in a Single DNS record As defined in [RFC1035] sections 3.3.14 and 3.3, a single text DNS record (either TXT or SPF RR types) can be composed of more than one string. If a published record contains multiple strings, then the record MUST be treated as if those strings are concatenated together without adding spaces. For example: IN TXT "v=spf1 .... first" "second string..." MUST be treated as equivalent to IN TXT "v=spf1 .... firstsecond string..." SPF or TXT records containing multiple strings are useful in constructing records that would exceed the 255-byte maximum length of a string within a single TXT or SPF RR record. EXAMPLE text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4:  ip4: ip4: ~all“ text = "v=spf1 ip4:“ " ip4: ip4: ip4:" " ip4: ip4:" " ip4: ip4: ~all" Null Records in the SPF Record A record that is NULL or that does not exist will break an SPF record.  Syntax within the record is very important, if there are extra spaces between mechanisms it will count as NULL. EXAMPLE text = "v=spf1 ip4:“ <- accurate text = "v=spf1 ip4:“ <- NULL (NOTE the space between IP4: and the IP) Repetitive Records in the SPF Record - Void Lookups If there are too many repetitive mechanisms in the SPF record, including records that cascade (for example when using "include:") the record will break. There is a MAX of 2 void look ups in an SPF record.  More than that and the record will break.  This prevents SPF records from being used in Denial of Service style attacks. Validation Tools SPF checker, syntax validator and SPF tester SPF checker SPF validator CIDR Calculator Nslookup SPF creation wizard Common SPF errors SPF syntax definitions
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When a user switches to another language in their preferences not everything in Marketo will get translated. Specifically, any object that has an editable name is not automatically translated.   Type of Text Example Translated? Editable Text Programs Seeded Channels Seeded Marketing Activities Folders Progression Statuses Custom Fields No Not Editable Text Standard Fields System Smart Lists General User Interface Yes   When a user views content in a workspace that is not the same as their preferred language, the above table describes what would be translated.
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When using Marketo it is not a requirement to set up DNS text records for SPF and DKIM.  However, Marketo recommends setting up SPF and DKIM because it improves the deliverability of your mailings.  Configuring and implementing one or both of these records is a way to verify that the server sending your mail is authorized to do so.   If a recipient domain is configured to check for SPF and/or DKIM and those DNS records are available and your mail passes the SPF/DKIM check, it further reinforces its good reputation.  Not implementing SPF/DKIM records does not add to or subtract from its reputation, it’s just not there.   Please note, not all domains check for SPF/DKIM and if this is the case, again, the presence of these records does not add or subtract from your mail’s deliverability. There is no negative effect to setting up these records, and it can improve your deliverability.  It is for these reasons that Marketo recommends setting up these DNS records and configuring their use in your instance of Marketo.   For more information on how to set up and configure SPF/DKIM, please read our KB article here.
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Issue Leads are members of a Marketo Program that is synced with a SFDC campaign, but there are some leads that have not synced to SFDC. Solution 1.) First check to see if this was caused by a Salesforce Sync Error. This can be checked in the Admin area under Admin > Salesforce > Sync Errors. Additionally, errors will appear under Notifications, check for the subject 'Salesforce Sync Error: Unable to Add Leads to Campaigns'. This will list the details of the SFDC Error and a list of sample leads along with the Salesforce campaign that they failed to sync to Example error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id Sample Leads:    Salesforce Campaign    Campaign name    Campaign name 2.) This can also be caused by mismatched statuses between the Marketo Program and the SFDC Campaign.  If the status doesn't exist on both sides, leads with the problem status can fail to sync. 3.) This can also be caused by a backlog for the program/campaign sync. Check with Marketo Support to see if a backlog is present.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Marketo with Salesforce integrated    
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