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Issue You receive the "Subject is empty" error when attempting to approve an email which contains an emoji character in the subject line, and elsewhere in the email, emojis may fail to render. Solution Marketo can render any Unicode character up to 5.2 and any ASCII character, but this does not encompass emojis. The Marketo email editor will strip out any unsupported symbols. This is because we cannot guarantee the consistency of their appearance across platforms, as not all clients can render all emoji. Marketo only supports the text symbols that are generally then converted into emoji's by the recipient client or operating system. The basic symbols in a list such as should work, as they are ASCII characters and not reliant on extra encoding. These are a set of accepted text symbols that will universally work on all clients and many will convert them to emoji. Just highlight the symbol from, copy and paste it into your email. Alternately, you can work around this by q-encoding the emoji in UTF-8 format, which will render a string of code to add to your subject line. This code tells the email client to render the desired emoji. All you need to do is copy your desired emoji and run it through a Unicode to UTF-8 translation tool, such as As an example, say you want to send a Happy Birthday email to a lead. You could copy the  (birthday cake) emoji and run it through a translator to yield the code "=?utf-8?Q?=F0=9F=8E=82?=" Entering this code in your subject line without the quotation marks will render the emoji on the client's end, and render it in the design most compatible with their device/browser. With any email design, it's always important to test before a live send to confirm it appears the way that you expect it to.
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Issue You have a custom landing page template and are able to see that landing page is not rendering perfectly on the editor but works as expected when published.   Solution As you are facing the issue on a custom template, we suggest you to follow the below steps.   Download a template form the URL- In Marketo, navigate to the Design Studio Click Landing Pages in the left-hand tree, then select Templates. In the menu bar, click Import Template. Choose the downloaded file, enter a template name, then click Import (make sure to pick a descriptive name and indicate that editing mode is Guided). Create a new Landing page with the recently downloaded template without making any changes. If the default background image works on this landing page as expected, it confirms that the issue lies with the custom coding that was added to the template. Marketo Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting custom code. The best point of contact will be your web developer who should be able to resolve the issue for you. Please be aware that the landing page editor may not load all external resources in the editor or previewer, which can cause them to look different than the published version. If the background image doesn’t render on this newly downloaded template as well, contact support and we will assist in troubleshooting your issue.    
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Want to gauge how many leads clicked through a link you have in your social media or other outlets? This can be done using URL Parameters at the end of the URLs you use. Basically, you just add a little bit of code to the end of the hyperlinked URL. When leads click through and arrive at your Landing Page, that code can be captured into a hidden Form field. Here’s how to do it.   Quick Overview of URL Parameters In the structure of a URL, there are two main parts. The first part is used for navigation, and the second part is used to pass data along. The two parts are separated by a question mark. For example, let’s look at this URL:   The first part of the URL, “” is the main part of the URL used for navigation. The whole rest of the URL from the question mark on, “?URLParameter=ThisIsAParameter” is referred to as a querystring. It isn’t needed for navigation to the page specified, but can be used to pass the extra data you want to include.   This is a article attached image   The querystring contains the URL Parameters, which are used to push data into the hidden Form fields. In the querystring “?URLParameter=ThisIsAParameter” used here, “URLParameter” corresponds to the name of the parameter you use when designating the value for the hidden Form field, and “ThisIsAParameter” will be the value that is actually entered into that field. You can add additional values into additional other fields by adding those into the format of the URL separated by an ampersand like this:   In this example, you’ve got the same initial value being pushed into the first hidden field, but now two more hidden fields will store the next two values as well. The name of the parameter for the second hidden field would be “URLParameter2” and the value put into it would be “ThisIsValue2”. The third hidden field parameter name would be “URLParameter3” and the value put into this field would be “ThisIsValue3”. This is a article attached image Applying This to Social Media Use So, how does this let you track leads coming from each of your social media sources? Well, in setting up your different promotional channels, when adding the hyperlink, you can customize the URL parameter for each channel so that the values passed will input the information specific to where they came from. The parameter values will change from one social media outlet to the next, but the structure and format will stay the same.   Let’s use the social media sources of Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as examples. Since you’re looking to identify the source of these leads, you’d likely want to name your parameter as “Source” so that it’s easily identifiable. Using the same base URL, let’s see how you’d structure the URLs. For hyperlinks placed on Twitter: For hyperlinks placed on LinkedIn: For hyperlinks placed on Facebook:   When leads fill out the form on your landing page, the Source field will then tell you exactly where they came from! The best part, this is completely customizable and scalable. You can add more parameters and hidden fields to capture additional information like what campaign it is for.   Documentation How to make form fields hidden: How to define hidden form field value: (Look for the section on URL Parameters in particular) Using the URL builder to generate the URLs you’ll be using:    
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Issue You send a sample email to test the tokens in a Calendar (.ics) file, and the tokens are not populating. Create a Calendar Event (.ics) File     Solution Tokens in an .ics file do not populate for sample emails.  Send the email to a test lead via 'Send Email' Run Action in the Database instead or via a smart campaign.
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Included in this article:   Overview Limitations Error Handling and Troubleshooting Overview No-Draft for Snippets allows you to distribute snippet changes without drafting approved assets using it. All assets using the edited snippet get the updates and maintain their respective status: Approved assets get the snippet updates and stay approved Drafts get the snippet updates and stay in draft mode No-Draft is automatically enabled for all Administrator roles. An admin can then enable this feature for any additional role. While No-Draft Snippets are very useful, they do have some limitations and issues that tend to arise. This article will show you what those limitations are and how to troubleshoot issues that can come up.   Limitations This feature is designed to save time with the snippet approval workflow. There are a few limitations to be aware of: No-Draft will not work if you replace one segmentation with another one in the same snippet. However, No-Draft will work if you change, add, or delete a segment within a segmentation that is referenced in the snippet No-Draft will not work if you add/remove a segmentation to a previously approved snippet By design, No-Draft will fail if you make a dynamic snippet static, or a static snippet dynamic. If your use case requires this scenario, then we recommend you create a new snippet to be used across your assets. If you must update the existing snippet, then you will need to approve it using the Create Draft option, then re-approve the assets using the snippet (in other words, the old behavior) No-Draft does not auto-approve drafts Users without the No-Draft permission can still approve a snippet, however it will generate drafts of approved assets No-Draft works only when approving one snippet at a time Assets using the snippet are locked for approval until No-Draft is done processing Snippet updates made to approved assets cannot be rolled back No-Draft applies only to snippets   Error Handling and Troubleshooting If something goes wrong, an error message is delivered to the Notification section of Marketo. You can subscribe to this notification and receive email alerts in their inbox. Users must subscribe to No-Draft in each workspace with the permission enabled.   If an error does occur, chances are that the update process was not completed. Some assets may have the updated snippet content and others may not.   To resolve, redraft the snippet and re-approve. 1. Select the snippet and click Edit Draft. 2. Make a small edit in the snippet editor to create a draft (such as pressing the keyboard’s spacebar). 3. Click Approve Snippet. 4. In the dialog box, select Update all to start over.   This should fix the issue. Contact Marketo Support if the problem persists.
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Issue Clicking "Automatically copy over from HTML" or "Copy from HTML" in the Email Editor fails to copy the contents over to the Text Only version of the email. Solution This can occur if there are no editable sections in the email asset. Only in editable sections of an email will be copied over to the Text version of an email. Here is additional documentation: A quick workaround would be to manually copy and paste the content you wish in the Text Version, and in the future build/use templates to make emails with editable sections.    
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Issue My token is not displayed correctly in view as webpage version of email. Environment If customers manually type a {{my.token}} and use uppercase M such as {{My.token}}, then the view as webpage version of email may not render that token as expected. The feature to HTML encode lead tokens (source of external data) for security reasons, applies to my tokens that incorrectly use uppercase M. HTML Encode Tokens Solution Use the token picker to pick the correct lowercase {{my.token}}.
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Issue You would like an links in an email to be tracked, but need to eliminate the tracking URL parameter on the tracked links. Solution In the Email Editor, you can uncheck "include mkt_tok" in the Edit Link box. Adding a class "mktNoTok" to any Anchor Tag will allow you to keep the Link Tracking, but disable the Tracking Token Parameter from the URL. You may also edit the Head of the email HTML to make large sections with this class.    
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Issue Issue Description The user role has all the permissions to Design Studio, but whenever trying to preview an email, a limited access message is displayed: "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action"     Solution Issue Resolution The user role must have permission to 'Access Database'. The full access to Database is not needed, just the main access by selecting 'Access Database' and unchecking everything else underneath. The reason for this permission is that, when previewing emails, you are able to select to preview an email as a specific lead. In order for this to happen, users will need access to leads. 
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Issue Clicking on a link in a Marketo e-mail that re-directs to a non-Marketo webpage destination does not open the page.     Solution Complete the troubleshooting step below. If they do not resolve the issue, include the results in a Marketo Support Ticket. Check the CNAME is correctly setup for the email tracking link  Check that the Default Branding Name matches the CNAME in Step 1 (check for typos).  If you are unsure you can visit CNAME lookup on mxtoolbox and enter the default branding name to check. Under the Domain field enter your default branding name. Do you have SSL for tracking links enabled? If Yes, tracking links in emails should start with HTTPS:// If No, tracking links in emails should start with HTTP://   If you do not have SSL enabled, but when you click the link it resolves to HTTPS://,try a different network and see if it still occurs. Your network may be configured to automatically use HTTPS automatically even if the link is specified as HTTP. (Check with your network admin)   If you are re-directed to the non-Marketo landing page but the page does not load: Check with the website admin if there are any redirect rules setup on the website. Try cutting out parts of the additional URL Parameter to see if that fixes the issue to identify which part of the URL parameter is causing it. Sometimes lead tokens or the mkt_tok may affect a redirect rule, since mkt_tok generates random characters and sometimes the token contains percentage '%' characters. It very common for websites to interpret a % followed by a character as an encoding. Seen in this website here   If you are unable to resolve the issue in the steps above, provide the test results and information in a Marketo Support Case.
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Issue: My landing page is showing the wrong title, why is this and how do I fix it?   Solution: When you clone a landing page, the title of the old page carries over to the new one. In order to update the page title please see Edit Landing Page Title and Metadata for detailed instructions.
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Question: How do I add a link to my lead/contact's Salesforce detail page when sending an alert from Marketo?   Answer: If the lead or contact is in both Marketo and Salesforce at the time when the alert email is sent, then the link to the Salesforce detail page will be automatically appended to the alert email sent by Marketo.   Note You will need to use the "Send Alert Info" token within your Alert email while designing your email in the Design Studio of Marketo. This is a article attached image Below is what the generated alert looks like once it is sent from Marketo (note the link to the Salesforce detail page is automatically inserted):   This is a article attached image   Note if the lead or contact is not in Salesforce then there is no link to the Salesforce detail page:   This is a article attached image
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Question: I have leads that are getting created without providing information for fields which I have made required.   Answer: Marketo's field validation makes use of javascript. Most browsers have javascript enabled by default so this should be fairly rare, but a user could change their settings and turn javascript off. This would allow them to submit a form without providing all the required information.    This situation may also occur if a lead submits the first progressive profiling form and subsequently submits a second form with different questions, while also changing the email address (indicating either a different person using the same PC or the same person with two email addresses). Marketo will generate a new lead record, but it won't include the data captured in the first form. To identify if this is the case, examine the "Fills Out Form" activity and check if there is data submitted from a later progressive profile form. If so, this is likely the cause. To address this issue, follow these steps: Create a smart list with an Anonymous IP filter. Enter the anonymous IP address of the lead. The smart list may identify multiple records associated with the anonymous IP address. Merge or manually update the records as needed based on the identified information. By following these steps, you can reconcile the data and ensure that the lead records are appropriately managed.
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Issue When you click on ‘Forward to Friend’ link on an email template, it redirects you to the below 404 error page.   This is a article attached image     Solution The ‘Forward to Friend’ link will work only in a sent email and not on an email template. To test this functionality, you need to create an email using the template which contains "Forward to Friend’ link and then send the email to your test lead using a run action.  It will not work properly with a send sample. Open the email and click on the "Forward to Friend" link. Once clicked the email will open on a webpage and then the below "Forward to Friend" box will be visible.   This is a article attached image   To know more about "Forward to Friend", refer the below document.    
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Issue You have Visibility Rules enabled for a field on your form, but the field is not shown or hidden as expected based on the values in the other fields.     Solution If you have enabled visibility rules for Field B but the field is not showing/hiding as expected when the correct value is chosen in Field A, one possibility could be the with the setup with the selected operator in the rule.  When using visibility rules for Field B, the "is" operator will use and reference the displayed values of Field A, but "contains" will use the stored values.   For example, let's say you have a visibility rule that should display the a particular field when 'Marketo Lead Management' is selected for the "Product Interest" field. The displayed value for the field (the one shown to the customer) may be "Marketo Leads Management" but the stored value for the field (the value written to the lead record) is "MLM". If you set up the visibility rule as "Product Interest is Marketo Leads Management", the rule will look at the Display Value and see a match.  However, "Product Interest contains Marketo Leads Management" will look at the Stored Value, which is "MLM." It will not see the match, and the field will not be displayed. 
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Issue: When I try to approve an email I get the following error: Error approving Email Name - Sending IP is empty or not valid This is a article attached image Solution: You likely have multiple dedicated IPs and you did not choose which one to send this email from. 1. Edit Draft of the email in question. 2. Select which IP Address you want this email to sent from and click Save. This is a article attached image 3. Close the email editor and under Email Actions click on Approve.      
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Issue Issue Description How to enable multiple selections in a picklist/select field in a Marketo form.     Solution Issue Resolution In the Field Properties, choose Field Type "Select" Edit Values to include your desired picklist options in the field Check the box for "Multiple Selections" This is a article attached image
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Issue Embedded Marketo form not visible in Firefox Private Browsing mode. Solution Firefox's private mode will be enabled by default. When you embed a Marketo form in your own webpages and view it in Firefox's private mode, it will disable the Javascript as part of the tracking protection of this browser. JavaScript is needed for the forms to appear on the landing pages or webpages. The "Tracking Protection" in the Firefox browser will need to be deactivated for the form to appear. Here is an article from FireFox regarding the Tracking Protection:    
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Issue Marketo forms that are embedded on external web pages see loading errors. Examples of this could be that the fields load with delay, or once submitted the form lags before moving to a follow up page.     Solution Two things to check: Is there custom CSS in your form? Is the embed code on your form customized?   Isolate the cause You can isolate the root of the lag by testing your form on a Marketo Landing Page   1. Locate the embedded form with in your instance 2. Build a landing page to test the form: Landing Page with a Form 3. Place your form on the new testing landing page, approve the page and close it. 4. Load the Landing Page using the URL   If the form loads with no delay, the issue lies with the embed code used to push the form onto the external page. Please work with your custom developer to find a resolution.   If the form is loading with a delay (and there is custom CSS):   1. Clone your form 2. Remove any custom CSS from with in the form 3. Build a landing page to test the form: Landing Page with a Form 4. Place your form on the new testing landing page, approve the page and close it. 5. Load the Landing Page using the URL   If you are not seeing any loading errors, the issue lies with in the custom CSS of your form. Please work with your custom coder to improve the loading speed of your form. Note: Occasionally, incorporating the form embed script into containers (custom coding) and utilizing custom JavaScript may lead to delays in form functionality. In such instances, it is recommended to collaborate with your developer to identify a solution, as Marketo Support does not troubleshoot issues specifically related to custom coding. If you are still seeing lag errors on your form loading on the Marketo Page, please submit a ticket with    
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Issue Email won't be approved due to too many custom tokens Solution Sometimes when approving an email with a large number of of tokens, the following error message will appear: 'The number of custom tokens in the email exceeds the limit '   This is a article attached image   This means that you have too many custom tokens in the email and that if you wish to approve the email, you will need to remove one or more of your custom tokens in the email.    Its important to note that this only applies to custom tokens, which are tokens based on a custom field in Marketo.  This means that while you will be allowed to add more of the standard tokens to the email and approve it, you will not be allowed to go beyond the 40 custom token limit we have in place for the non-standard tokens. Here you will find all the standard tokens in Marketo
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