Statistics section on a Marketo Landing Page asset


How page views and form fills are counted in the statistics section of a Marketo Landing Page asset.

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How they're calculated
When viewing the Landing Page asset in either Design Studio or Marketing Activities, the statistics section provides information regarding page views and form fill outs, if the page has a form located on it. 

  • The page views are a cumulative total indicating how many times the page was loaded, regardless if the visitor was a known record in the database. This means anonymous people can record a view here, due to Munchkin tracking on the page. This section provides a total number of views, not unique visits. This means that a person can load this page multiple times and each visit will be tallied in this section.
  • The form fills section (x Filled out Form (x%)), indicates how many times a visitor filled the form out on the page, if it has one. This total is also counted in the same way the views section is, meaning it's a total number of submissions. Therefore, if a record in your database fills out the form more than once on a page, it will be counted toward the total.


Difference between calculations

The difference between these two metrics is that the page views will keep a historical record of visits to the page. This means the total will not change if you happen to delete a bunch of records that visited the page in question - the total persists regardless if the record is no longer in the database. With that said, the forms section does not. This area is tied specifically to the existence of that known record in your database. This means that, once a record who filled the form out is removed from your database, the submissions they performed will be subtracted from the total.