Web Tracking - Meta Tag

Web Tracking - Meta Tag


Many of our web pages are solution or product focused. Product or solution interest is stored with-in page's meta tag, so it is search friendly. We are implementing some java script to report on leads' product interest, however it could even be an out of box feature.

Add pages meta tags (at least 1-2 meta tags) to the Visits Web Page activity, and include those as a Constraint on the Visited Web Page filter and Visits Web Page trigger.

Many thanks to Elliott Lowe for suggesting to post this idea.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Upvoted, with caveat that this must be an optional feature (an argument to Munchin.init()). I sure don't want meta tags taking up bandwidth on every hit (and I doubt Marketo wants to double or quadruple the bytes in an analytics call, either!).

Not applicable

Thank you Sanford, Elliott and Courtney for your support. As a workaround, I could finally add the contents of keywords meta tag into web tracking, and use it as constraints on "Visited Website Filter". Here is the final piece of code. Added two lines highlighted in BOLD.

My page has a meta tag header keywords as defined below:

<meta name="keywords" itemprop="keywords" content="all access workplace,all wireless office,rightsizing,microsoft lync,gigabit wi-fi,wlan,ucc,unified communication,all-wireless" /


<!-- Marketo -->

<script type="text/javascript">



url: document.location.protocol + '//munchkin.marketo.net/munchkin.js',

dataType: 'script',

cache: true,

success: function() {

var MOKeywords=document.head.querySelector('META[name="keywords"]');

if (MOKeywords) document.location.hash = "MOKeywords:" + MOKeywords.getAttribute('content');







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