Unique domain names for workspaces and paritions

Unique domain names for workspaces and paritions

Hi Marketo, 
It would be awesome if you could create unique domain names for each workspace within Marketo Enterprise edition. My company could really benefit from this because of the way we use landing pages on the web. We have several campuses within our company that have different brands and using only one domain name makes SEO challenging and brand identity blurry.


Not applicable
Hi Kacia

Liked this Idea, as I was just going to submit the same Idea. I would also like to see that ability to have seperate Branded Links as well for the Workspaces, but also have the option to enable this or not as not all would need the unique landing page CNAME and Branded links per workspace.

Level 10
Being able to set branding domains at the workspace/partition level would be really useful. A workaround is to use multiple Marketo instances, but since we advise against syncing multiple Marketo instances to the same CRM account, this creates a challenge for integration.
Level 10

Hi all,

I have summarized all ideas related to multi domain here :


Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas