Top performing assets Report


Top performing assets Report

We need to be able to pull a report to determine what our top 20 performing assets are that we have included either as email attachments or linked to on landing pages (all within marketo). This does not currently exist. Vote it up!
Not applicable
Wouldn't you just look at your campaign/programs and compare by success?
Not applicable
We do this now, we have a program for each asset & look at how many successes we have month per month. It's all in the way you set it up. If you want to know our setup, look at the ASLP tome.

As for the idea as it stands now, Marketo doesn't know the difference between an asset & a link to a partner's website. If you are looking at all emails & landing pages, then it won't know which is the best performing cause it doesn't know which are assets. I suppose you could pull an email link performance report & filter out all the ones which don't contain PDF, but that won't help for links from landing pages.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it