Run a report on an alert

Run a report on an alert

We have a score based internal campaign that sends an alert the lead owner when a score has passed a certain threshold.

We are trying to determine how many internal alerts went out and to which sales person got them in the past quarter.

Not applicable
You could run a campaign member report in Analytics which will give you a figure for total number of leads that qualified for that campaign (should be pretty similar to how many alerts were sent). A potential data issue is that is a lead qualifies multiple times, they would only be counted once as it's counting the total campaign members rather than total times through the campaign.
Not applicable

The ability to report on alerts is SO important these days.

1. Who received the alert?

2. How many alerts did they receive?

3. What lead was attached to the alert?

4. When was the alert sent?

When will this be available?

cc Nic Zangre

Not applicable

We are using alerts differently than the traditional "send to sales rep" and really need the ability to report on deliverability, open and click-through rates on alert emails.Please add this functionality

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas