Guided LP and Email 2.0: Enhance the Code Editor

Guided LP and Email 2.0: Enhance the Code Editor

It would be great to have more control (any control?) over the code formatting options in the code editor for guided landing pages and email 2.0 – especially when developing templates. I'm sure there are more features that could be useful, but off the top of my head:

  • control indent levels (either in tabs or spaces)
  • control code coloring (i get it, it's mostly purple... but...)
  • control CSS formatting in the head (super-annoying when all the mobile/responsive styles get written out into single lines)
  • collapse the right column when not in use (or offer a full-screen toggle)
  • collapse HTML elements (the scrolling... so much scrolling...)
  • explore modules/variables as they're constructed in the editor (i.e., show me a non-functioning preview of all the module's components, labels, etc., without having to approve the template and create a new asset)

(And, yes, I can C/P into Dreamweaver or an IDE or something. Would be great to be able to stay in the platform and not worry about versioning issues.)

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