Create a token as a part of a Send Email flow step

Create a token as a part of a Send Email flow step

How about this....

In the Send Email flow step, include an option (under each Choice) to declare a token value, and allow us to populate it with another token value.  To simplify:

I create an email like this:

"Dear Mr. {{lead.Last Name}},

Thank you for your interest in {{lead.Product Name}}. Here is the price: {{my.Campaign Driven Token for Price}}"

OK, so then in the workflow I might put in a Send Email that says

IF REGION EQUALS "West" then Email = Email 1 AND {{my.Campaign Driven Token for Price}} = {{product.Base Price}} * 1.15

Or something along those lines. Honestly, I just want to be able to pick one field from a set of fields to include in an alert email. Right now, i have two choices: create an email for each field or include all fields in one email. I just want to be able to say "If THIS FIELD, then THAT FIELD" when sending out an email and personalizing it.

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