Re: Nurture Cadence - Can you manually push the next email?

Level 8

Nurture Cadence - Can you manually push the next email?

Pretty straight forward - we have a group of internal leads that we want to send a batch of emails to, but preferably would like them to get it quickly (over 1 or 2 days) versus it being spread out since there's about 15 emails and that would take too long.

Is there a button you can press or an action you can take that pushes the next email in the stream, instead of having to set up a cadence?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Nurture Cadence - Can you manually push the next email?

No, you cannot do this.

There are some threads on getting the first email out immediately and then putting the lead in the Stream. In fact, I wrote about this a couple of threads ago.