How can I add lead owner?

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How can I add lead owner?

Hi, We are not using CRM with Marketo, but I would like to add lead owners to our leads. I can't do it manually as there is no field where to write the info. Should I create a custom field for lead owner or can I somehow use the current lead owner fields that are not editable.

Thanks for help!

, M
Tags (1)
Level 10

Re: How can I add lead owner?

Hi Mikka, if you aren't linked to a CRM then you will need to create custom fields for lead owner as you've suggested. One downside (although there's no real workaround here) is that you can't set an alert to send to the Lead Owner -- you have to manually add their address as an alternate.
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Re: How can I add lead owner?

Hi Dory, Thanks for your answer! So if I understood right I can't send alert to the custom field lead owners automaticly? This was what I'm trying to achieve, so that we have lead owners and automaticly when lead score goes over treshold it would send alert to lead owner. So this isn't possible without crm, if we have many different lead owners?

Br, Miikka
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How can I add lead owner?

No, because the Send Alert function looks for the CRM's Lead owner/Account owner. Perhaps it is possible if you work on the API or ask Support to somehow link your Custom Lead Owner to that Lead Owner field, but as Dory says, probably not.

You should be able to use Choice Steps to send the alert to the right owner based on Geo, Industry, or another field.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How can I add lead owner?

To simplify this a bit, you can use a token vs. hardcoding in an email for every choice (within the "To other emails" field).  E.g., {{lead.LeadOwnerEmail}}
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Re: How can I add lead owner?

Thanks for answers, Tokens are propably the way to go here, I'll try it out!