Re: Hidden fields for URL parameters

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Hidden fields for URL parameters

We have inserted hidden fields into our forms in order to capture utm info in the URL parameters for Medium, Source, and Campaign. However, no info is coming over for organic, direct, or referral traffic/lead. Just CPC, email, and banners. Does anyone have experience trouble shooting this?
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Re: Hidden fields for URL parameters

Hey Jonathan, you can only capture information when the URL contains this information. So if someone goes directly to, then there won't be any UTM information. You can provide default information, although it won't highlight whether it was organic, direct or referral traffic -- but this is still probably your best solution. 
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Re: Hidden fields for URL parameters

Thank you Dory. Do you know of an alternate method to gather this info? I ask because Google Analytics can tell me that a lead (a visit to a specific Thank You page) came from an Organic visit, so it seems like the info exists somewhere. For my purpose, I am trying to understand in what media is driving my Opportunities and actual sales.