Friday Five Weekend Reading

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Friday Five Weekend Reading


Some light reading for you; a quick summary of 5 recently posted items on
(Make sure to click read more and see them all)

1. Sweeter than Sweet Solutions: Choose Your Own Marketing Automation Platform(Competitive ebook about why best-of-breed marketing automation platforms are superior to suite/stack platforms). Check it out.

2. The 3 W’s of Personalization [Slide deck]
Here's a Pizzeria-themed slide deck to support RTP, focused on Who, What, and Where you can personalize your marketing) Check it out and share with your team.

3. Content Posts on Facebook
Are you still trying to find the right formula for making your Facebook posts more shareable? In this eBook, we dive into the latest research on Facebook’s emerging marketing ecosystem and highlight key tips and strategies for creating highly shareable posts.  We'll also discuss mistakes that make many posts unshareable. Check it out.

4. Definitive Guide: Marketing Automation and Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Heard the buzz around marketing automation? Got some questions on how it fits in with your Microsoft Dynamics CRM system? Check out this jam packed 100 page guide to learn everything you have ever wanted to know about marketing automation. Check it out.

5. How to Convert Raw Leads into Best Friends Forever
Make sure those hard to get and valuable leads don't get lost on.

Note: You have to provide some information to receive these.

Question of the day: What sort of content can we create and provide that will help you learn more about the Marketing Mix.

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Friday Five Weekend Reading

How does the "Definitive Guide: Marketing Automation and MS Dynamics CRM" differ from the the regular definitive guide?  I've already read the regular definitive guide - is there Dynamics-specific info or are there just "MS Dynamics" sprinkled throughout the document?  BTW, the link takes me to the Facebook content.
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Re: Friday Five Weekend Reading

Thank you for the heads up about the link. I fixed that.
This guide focuses mainly on the benefits of MS Dynamics CRM .. with some discussion about how it works with Marketo.
Hope this helps, Wilder