Re: How to set tab order of fields using Forms 2.0?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

How to set tab order of fields using Forms 2.0?

I built a three column form using Forms 2.0.  The tab order should be down the first column of fields and then onto the next column and so on.  But it's going row by row.  Is there a way to customize the tab order?
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Re: How to set tab order of fields using Forms 2.0?

Hi Dan,

I don't believe there is a way to set the tab order in the Marketo Form Editor. However you should be able to pull up the HTML code of the page with the form code on it and use the 'tabindex' attribute to set the tab order. 

I found this website pretty helpful:
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to set tab order of fields using Forms 2.0?

Yeah, that's how I've done it in the past.  But there's no way to edit the HTML of the form code once it's placed on the page.
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Re: How to set tab order of fields using Forms 2.0?

Hi Dan,

Did you ever figure out a quicker fix for this problem?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to set tab order of fields using Forms 2.0?

Unfortunately, no.  And it doesn't look like my Idea is getting much traction either:
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Re: How to set tab order of fields using Forms 2.0?

That's too bad. It seems like customizing tab order or field heirarchy would be a pretty common need.

Thanks for the reply!