Re: Issue with routing logic: how do you understand following?

Level 10

Issue with routing logic: how do you understand following?


I need to implement an approval process that basically says-
- if lead fills out x form and "product evaluation request" field was previously empty > approved
- if lead fills out x form and "product evaluation request" field has been updated (new product version) > approved
- if lead fills out x form and "product evaluation request" field hasn't been updated (product version is the same) > rejected

I have created lists

- smart list
- flow

There is an issue somewhere because flow seems to reject all brand new requests and accept all requests that have been made twice...

So I'm wondering how do you interpret my flow.
It's supposed to say: if field has changed > approved, otherwise > rejected.
FYI the field is auto-populated each time somebody fills out form. I have added an hidden field in form that picks the ?src value of the url.

Cécile @ Talend


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Issue with routing logic: how do you understand following?


Can you show us the List adding procedure? That's probably the issue here.

What is your Lead Qualification Rule on both flows? It should be "every time" right?

Level 10

Re: Issue with routing logic: how do you understand following?


For all flows, the qualification rule is run through flow every time.

Please find below the flow to add leads to the "requested" list:


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Issue with routing logic: how do you understand following?


One issue I see is the Change Data Value is pointing to a field that is different than the one in the first flow you showed us.

I would also examine the lead history to see if Data Value Was Changed is happening later in the process than 5 minutes. I'm not sure why that would happen, but it seems there's a time problem here.

BUT I see that it's possible Marketo is interpreting Data Value Was Changed only when a previous value existed, which make sense that if you fill out the form twice, the System Time changes and the flow works.

So you may want to add a different filter in the smart list or Choice to pick that up somehow.
Level 10

Re: Issue with routing logic: how do you understand following?


One issue I see is the Change Data Value is pointing to a field that is different than the one in the first flow you showed us.
> I thought you wanted to know how I populated smart list for the first campaign I showed you but actually you wanted to know how I am populating the "Product Evaluation Request"? This is automatically populated when the person fills out the form

I would also examine the lead history to see if Data Value Was Changed is happening later in the process than 5 minutes. I'm not sure why that would happen, but it seems there's a time problem here.
> I'm thinking this is happening at the same time as the filled out a form info no? as field is populated by the form...

BUT I see that it's possible Marketo is interpreting Data Value Was Changed only when a previous value existed, which make sense that if you fill out the form twice, the System Time changes and the flow works.
> the thing is that I want Marketo to pick up when the value has just been filled (previously empty and filled because of the form) as any first request should be approved. AND I want to approve also the 2nd request if product version has changed.
That's where I'm struggling. If we only allow 1 single request, it would be super easy. I would set run through flow once and any prospect who will request more than once will be rejected. But because I'm adding this extra criteria (product version) I'm stuck and I have no clue how to solve problem!
