Re: How long for a lead to trigger from a smart campaign in new engagement program?

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How long for a lead to trigger from a smart campaign in new engagement program?

If I set up a new smart campaign in new engagement program how long before a lead that matches the trigger is included?

I have set a simple trigger "added to SFDC Campaign. The Smart Campaign is in my engagement program tree.
Does it only trigger next time the cadence is triggered?

Would it be better to set as a "transition rule"?

I may have other rules in the large Marketo database trying to get this lead also, how do we know which program will win, the engagment program or the historic campaign that has been running for years?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How long for a lead to trigger from a smart campaign in new engagement program?


The next lead which matches your Engagement Campaign's trigger will enter the Stream. Now, I don't know what trigger that is and when a lead would match that trigger, so there's no way to tell WHEN this will happen. It's fine if it takes several days assuming that you only want leads matching that criteria to enter the Stream.

It's better to setup some test leads and then manually trigger them to enter the Stream. Once you are certain that this is the right set and Cadence, you can then migrate your leads out of the OLD system and into this new system. You can also set the Entry Trigger to add leads to the first Stream.

As for the other Programs you are running, they can pull in a lead at any time as well (depending on triggers and filters), so it is entirely possible for a lead to enter your Engagement Stream AND several Programs>Campaigns. That's how it should be.

Of course, if you don't want certain leads to enter all Programs or any Program, then you need to add exclusion filters like

Added to SFDC Campaign IS "X"
Member of Program IS NOT "Y"

so that any current member or previous member of Program Y is excluded from the Stream.

Take a look at my Engagement System summary because I think you've got some of the terms confused. A Transition Rule is only between Streams and doesn't work on external campaigns/programs.
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Re: How long for a lead to trigger from a smart campaign in new engagement program?

thanks for the awesome response, not confused about transisiton rules just trying to understand when a trigger is triggered, for example if my trigger is when added to a SFDC campaign and my flow says add to  first stage from "add to engagement program"  and I add a lead to the SFDC campaign in salesforce I would expect within minutes the lead to be pulled into the first stage.

I have a lead I did this with this morning 6 hours ago and when I search the members in the customer engagement program the lead is still not there. I can clearly see in MArketo the lead has been included in the SFDC campaign called "Staff Rosters"

So I am just trying to understand if a trigger goes off how long before you should see the lead in first stage?