Marketo dashboard tab disappears in Salesforce

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Marketo dashboard tab disappears in Salesforce

In our instance of Salesforce, every time any user adds the Marketo dasboard tab to the top of the screen, it disappears on the next log in.  It seemed that whatever was causing this was fixed when Salesfoce 14 was released, but it'd happening again.  Is this a Marketo glitch or a Salesforce glitch?  Is this happening to anyone else?  I've included a screenshot to show what I'm referring to:


Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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Re: Marketo dashboard tab disappears in Salesforce

Hi Rachel,

It might be happening if your team use different apps within SFDC?

For example I have my Sales app configured to include the Marketo tab, but it's not configured for my Marketing app.


Could your team be switching between apps?
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Re: Marketo dashboard tab disappears in Salesforce

Hi Cathal,

The sales reps live in the Sales app of SFDC.  They do not switch between apps at all.  I want them to be able to have the Marketo tab available in the Sales app, but this is where it keeps disappearing. 

Make sense?  Any other ideas on this?
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Re: Marketo dashboard tab disappears in Salesforce

Hi Cathal,

Just checking to see if you have found anything else out on this.