Calendar tokens 5 hours off

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Calendar tokens 5 hours off


I'm going to enter a support ticket too but I was curious if anyone else is experiencing that all calendar tokens have times pushed 5 hours?
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Re: Calendar tokens 5 hours off

Hi Kim,

If you haven't already, please check with support. It sounds like it might be an issue we need to look into.

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Re: Calendar tokens 5 hours off

Wait- I just checked. It looks like there is a fix under way.
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Re: Calendar tokens 5 hours off

Yep, it looks like yall fixed the issue. Now I have to go in and manually change all of the token times though 😞
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Re: Calendar tokens 5 hours off

Glad it is fixed. I hope there aren't too many to change.
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Re: Calendar tokens 5 hours off

I wish I had known.  I had done my tokens through Decemeber 31st and just caught the bug. Was there a general announcement email that I missed? I feel like I had to have missed it because this was a shock!