Re: Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

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Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

Is there a resource someone can point me to that can walk me through the reports in Revenue Explorer? For example, Im lookat at Top 10 Programs by Total Pipeline and Im unclear how it is attributing the pipeline values to certain programs. Is this pulling from Lead Source? What if a person participated in more than 1 program and a deal resulted? 

Really hoping there is some kind of glossary-type reference doc that walks through these. Thanks!
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Re: Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

...seems like you are getting into the bigger questions around multi-touch attribution here...are you mirroring your Marketo Programs with Salesforce campaigns?
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Re: Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

I dont have Salesforce campaigns for every single Marketo Program - it doesnt make sense for us to do so and I need to control what gets synced and what doesnt. I thought the point of RCA was attribution - no?
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Re: Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

RCA uses four pillars for data for reporting...Salesforce data is a big one.
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Re: Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

I can see that for Opportunities, but what does this have to do with programs? I cannot imagine people have Salesforce campaigns for website programs, nurture, blog, etc. It's too confusing on what is associated and what is not and Marketo ends up passing things to SF that I dont  want passed. I had to stop creating campaigns for all programs. Now I am manually creating them in Salesforce and manually associating them to Marketo programs.
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Re: Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

the key point is was there a cost associated with the touch...if there was then reporting ROI against that specific touch/asset is important. Also you may be blending reporting on lead source and converting asset a bit. Hope this helps...
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Re: Revenue Explorer Reports Explained

Ok - I have the costs in Marketo but not in Salesforce. there is (FT) and (MT) in these reports so Im assuming there is attribution built in otherwise how can (MT) be tracked??