Insight Email Templates tokens resolving to User Sender and Reply, not Account Owner

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Insight Email Templates tokens resolving to User Sender and Reply, not Account Owner


I'd like to setup Insight templates to be sent by our Sales Coordinators, on behalf of SFDC Account Contact Owners.

The Insight Email templates do not recognize the account owner tokens for Sender Name, Sender Email or Reply to, nor the "edit me" defaults. Instead, the resulting email overrides the tokens and shows the true sender name and email address. 

Does anyone have a solution for this?
I'm thinking that setting up a campaign could work but seems like a hassle.

BTW In our Admin section, I've setup a default sender for emails but I want the Insight emails to be dynamic to the Account Owners.

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Level 10

Re: Insight Email Templates tokens resolving to User Sender and Reply, not Account Owner

Hey Lynn, I think it was Joe who was trying to set something like this up several weeks ago... One idea would be to have the sales coordinators request a campaign that will drop someone onto a list. Once they're added to the list, it triggers a subsequent campaign to send an email using the lead owner tokens instead of the true sender details. 

It's an additional campaign that needs to be set up, but it should allow you to do what you're looking for.
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Re: Insight Email Templates tokens resolving to User Sender and Reply, not Account Owner

Thank you, Dory.
I'll do it!