Re: Submitting injected Marketo Form trying to submit other form on page also

Level 1

Submitting injected Marketo Form trying to submit other form on page also

Hi, I'm injecting a Marketo form on to an exisiting page when a button is clicked. This opens a popup on the screen with (for arguments sake lets call it) 'Form2'. This gets filled in and sent to Marketo and is successful. The problem I'm having though is, that when I hit submit of 'Form2', 'Form1' (also on the original page) is being validated and trying to be sent to Marketo.

Is it possible to have 2 Marketo Forms on the same page, and if so, how do you seperate them and only send the one you need?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Submitting injected Marketo Form trying to submit other form on page also

Surely you must understand that without posting a URL to your running code, we cannot tell you what you're doing wrong.

It's 100% possible to send only 1 form of N to Marketo programmatically.