Re: SOAP API update DateTime Field

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SOAP API update DateTime Field

I am using a php program to use the API to communicate to marketo. I would like to set a datetime to be null.
I have tried sending a blank and no value. There doesn't seem to be a way to set the field to blank,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns1:AuthenticationHeader><mktowsUserId>completesolar1_70493473515C4EE90C2019</mktowsUserId><requestSignature>cfcbe2135f3c49caf96e8af3dccc65b4031256ae</requestSignature><requestTimestamp>2014-08-06T14:25:53-04:00</requestTimestamp></ns1:AuthenticationHeader></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:paramsSyncMultipleLeads><leadRecordList><leadRecord><Id>1060045</Id><Email></Email><ForeignSysPersonId xsi:nil="true"/><ForeignSysType xsi:nil="true"/><leadAttributeList><attribute><attrName>next_meeting_c</attrName><attrType></attrType><attrValue></attrValue></attribute></leadAttributeList></leadRecord></leadRecordList><dedupEnabled xsi:nil="true"/></ns1:paramsSyncMultipleLeads></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

What does the attrValue need to be set to blank out the data?
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Re: SOAP API update DateTime Field

Unfortunately, we can not do that. Even if it's a single space, we would set the it to be current timestamp instead of empty value. The single space only worked for string values.

Can you help me understand what you are trying to achieve by setting the datetime value to null?

Marketo Employee

Re: SOAP API update DateTime Field

Hey Jeff,

You can pass the string 'NULL' and it should blank the field.