Re: Is there any way to support Marketo form in iOS and Android devices?

Level 1

Is there any way to support Marketo form in iOS and Android devices?

Hi Team,

After submitting data successfully in Marketo, it creates an "onSuccess" event on Desktop, but we aren't getting the 'onSuccess' event on mobile devices. We are facing the redirection issue of "thank you page" after submitting a form in iPhone devices. We have found that you have mentioned this issue in your Marketo docs "
". Please let me know if there is any workaround.

Thank you

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there any way to support Marketo form in iOS and Android devices?

Marketo forms are supported on iOS and Android.  The page you're pointing to is about compatibility with the Marketo Admin UI, not forms or LPs.

Of course older iOS Mobile Safari and Android stock browsers don't support all the JS methods you might have chosen to use in your custom behaviors. Only if you link to a page with your form + code could we possibly troubleshoot this.

Level 1

Re: Is there any way to support Marketo form in iOS and Android devices?

Hi Team,
We had tried to redirect on "thank you" page with given below custom code but we didn't get it. Let me brief you on what happens here. You fill the Marketo form and send it via iPhone, but when you check the Marketo database, you don't get any lead (Form data). (This happens only in the case of iPhones) and this is not happening on other devices.

<div class="demo-form">

        <form id="mktoForm_####" class="demo-form" data-href=""></form>


MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "#####", #####, function(form) {     

        form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) {

            var redirectUrl = form.getFormElem().attr('data-href');

            location.href = redirectUrl;

            if (location.pathname.indexOf("thank-you") !== -1) {

                $('#thank').find('span.uname').text(localStorage.getItem("name") || "");



            return false;


Also, I have tried to redirect on "thank-you" page by inbuilt Marketo form settings, It's working properly for other devices except for iPhones.

Please let me know if we are missing something.

Thank you

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there any way to support Marketo form in iOS and Android devices?

Link to your real URL, not partial code.

Also, please highlight any posted code using the Advanced Editor's Syntax Highlighter:


As far as what you've posted so far, I can tell you that you must wrap any use of LocalStorage in try/catch for iOS. But that's unlikely to be the principal problem.