Free Form Landing Page - Rich Text Window Alignment

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Free Form Landing Page - Rich Text Window Alignment

Hi everyone,

I am working on a landing page using a somewhat blank template (just the company header and footer). The issue I am running into is with the alignment and positioning of the drag and drop elements (rich text, picture, etc.) when the user resizes their browser window.

The header and footer, coded into the template using display:inline-block, move dynamically with the browser window, but all of the inserted elements that were added on the landing page are locked (not moving when the window is resized thus disappearing).

Is there a way where I can have the rich text, pictures, etc. act in an inline-block way, where if the user shrinks the width of the window, the elements will move? Changing the HTML within the rich text allows me to change the format of the text itself, but it is not influencing the rich text box as a whole.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Level 2

Re: Free Form Landing Page - Rich Text Window Alignment

Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, all the elements placed on a free form landing page used position absolute CSS property by default. So, the elements don't move on the free form mode. There's one solution of double div method, but it can be done by HTML/CSS develper.