Re: To score and not to score...

Not applicable

To score and not to score...

Hi guys,

We've got pretty standard scoring in Marketo - clicks, website visits, form submissions etc...but the problem I have now is that it treats everyone the same. This is fine for Prospects, but when we get a Customer (we sell SaaS), we also get Users of the software and we're starting to ramp up the number of emails we send to these Users. The issue is that they click links in those emails and they visit the website (some of them go there to get to a Login page), so they're always being scored the same as a prospect would and the mechanism that sends alerts into Salesforce and to the Sales team is the same. I could exclude them from all scoring because we have a flag on the Salesforce record that identifies them, but the problem is that we want them to be scored for some things, but not things like Onboarding email communications we don't want them to score if they click, but if we sent them a newsletter type email then we would.

Is there a way that I can pick and choose?

We started by excluding certain links in each of the scoring smart campaigns, but as the number of these comms increases this doesn't seem like a sustainable solution...

Any ideas are welcome - and I can't be the only one in this situation...


Level 8

Re: To score and not to score...

Hi Michael,

Yes, it's possible to pick and choose and there are probably multiple ways to set this up. I agree, excluding certain links in each of the scoring smart campaigns is not a very scalable solution.

Do you have a lead status/ lifecycle status field? That might be a good way to only score people with a "prospect" status versus people associated with "closed opportunity-won" accounts. Has anybody tried this?

Tom Kerlin
Level 4

Re: To score and not to score...

Hi Michael,

Much like Tom mentioned, You can do this with any field that identifies the lead as a prospect or as a Customer. You then add it as a filter to the scoring programs you only want a customer or prospect to qualify for. 

Ariel Sasso
Not applicable

Re: To score and not to score...

Thanks for the replies - but this means that these people will be excluded from the scoring completely - i..e they're either in or they're out - I guess I was looking for something more at the Program level - i.e. score these people under this Program, don't score these people under this Program.

Level 4

Re: To score and not to score...

Can you send a screenshot of your logic? Do you use a naming convention to separate the score vs non score? If that is the case then you could a simple filter. If you have a consistent method where customers is always in the program name you can do

Member of program, program name contains "customer" or Member of program, program name contains "prospect"

Ariel Sasso
Level 2

Re: To score and not to score...

Hi Michael -

Maybe you could consider identifying such communications and classifying them as new program type(s)... for example as a Users Only, where the following set up is needed:

- Channel = Users Email Program, and enforce all email comms set up (for Customers and/or Users) to use the new program channel types.

- Set a naming convention, where all Users Email Programs start with [USR]

- A) Edit the scoring flows for Email Behaviors where instead of "Email is any", it will be set "Email does not start with [USR]".


- B) Edit the scoring flows for Behaviors to be based on "Program Status is Changed" to status equaling "Users Email Program > Clicked". This ONLY works if you are change program statuses to email or web behaviors. Option A) would be easier to pursue if you are not doing so already.

Let me know if that helps! Or what doesn't make sense.