Re: DKIM public key did not match DNS record

Level 2

DKIM public key did not match DNS record


When checking the DNS record of DKIM, Marketo reports that the public key does not patch the DNS record.

However, every DKIM/DNS checker we've tried returned a success.

Is there anything we're overlooking? Has anyone else encountered this behaviour before?

Thanks in advance.

Level 10

Re: DKIM public key did not match DNS record

Hi Elien,

This questions should be posted into "products". "Community help" is for questions about the community itself.

You are providing too little info for us to be able to help you. We would need to know the domain and subdomain (anyway, this is public information as it is spread worldwide through DNS ) and screenshots of the domain and error in Marketo.


Level 2

Re: DKIM public key did not match DNS record

Attached you can find the necessary screenshots and error message.

Thanks for your help!


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: DKIM public key did not match DNS record

Elien, can you move this to the correct place Products​ like Greg said?  I don't want to leave an answer in the wrong place as it will not be helpful to future searches.

Level 2

Re: DKIM public key did not match DNS record

I moved it to the product category.

Sorry for this, first time using the community. Still looking how to use it correctly   .



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: DKIM public key did not match DNS record

OK, thanks for moving!

First, although not related to DKIM, you must read this blog post as you're using a .be domain:

As for DKIM, you're right that this is a legitimate record. I can't say it's the same public key that Marketo distributed to you, but assuming it is, you should open a support case. It is not uncommon that Marketo's built-in verification fails and you need a human to double-check.  (Their verification can also succeed when it should have failed, so it's not entirely trustworthy in that direction, either.)