Re: Lead Scoring Program

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Lead Scoring Program

I'm evaluating the lead scoring program in our instance, as it has been inherited. We have behavioral smart campaigns active, and I want to be sure they are set up correctly, as we're hearing our biz dev team say that the program is broken. I checked on the degradation score portion this morning, and it appears to be running fine with runs at the beginning of each month.

I have gone the support case route, but was told that they do not offer best practices suggestions and that I should post my questions here. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Lead Scoring Program

I don;t see a question here, what seems to be the problem?

Level 10

Re: Lead Scoring Program

Unfortunately we cannot see your campaign here (even though you've linked to it), if you can include a question or screenshots of your campaign we might be able to help more.

Not applicable

Re: Lead Scoring Program



Difficult to show in screenshots because of all of the smart campaigns that were created for this program.

Level 10

Re: Lead Scoring Program

So it looks like whoever is eligible for this campaign is having their score changed on the first of every month to a lead score of 250 and a behavior score of 250, plus added to the engagement program. Is the issue in who is qualifying for these flow steps? (The smart list tab), or the actual result of what is happening?

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Re: Lead Scoring Program

I want to be sure of who is qualifying for these flow steps.

Level 10

Re: Lead Scoring Program

Then that is the "Smart List" tab. You have shown us the "Flow" tab.

An easy way to remember this: Smart List = Who, Flow = What

Level 10

Re: Lead Scoring Program

Hi Allison,

Sorry for being a little direct, but you really should take some training. See What's the Best Way to Learn Marketo? Here Are Resources and a Curriculum for Marketo Self-Learning


Not applicable

Re: Lead Scoring Program

Wow. Thanks, Gregoire. I'm working to fix three years of neglect in this instance in addition to Marketo failures that occur daily. I understand the difference between smart list and flow steps. What I'm trying to learn is, from a best practice perspective, are these smart lists as they are running currently, a good way to set up a lead scoring program for the best results. Just trying to gain some insight from others to add to the discussion. Yes, I'm new to the Marketo game, and as everyone knows in dealing with this platform, learning and improvement never stops. Hence, the busy community site and other resources to help users. Sorry I didn't take the time to articulate as clearly as I should have.

Level 10

Re: Lead Scoring Program

Sorry again

First thing, scoring usually do not use "Change data value" flow steps, but rather "change score" ones. If you want to set a score to 250, you will just use "change score" -> Change: "=250".

Second point, it is really not recommended to mix score changes with addition to an engagement programs. It will make long term maintenance very difficult. Scoring Smart campaigns should only do score changes. Addition to EP should be done only in smart campaigns that sit WITHIN engagement programs. Again, this is for the sake of long term maintenance. In your case, if you want to decommission the engagement program, you will have to edit the scoring program which is some additional work.

Scoring Smart campaign should do only score changes, reacting to lead activity. Lead lifecycle should manage statuses and owners, reacting to score changes. And Marketing programs, such as engagement ones, should manage their own targets, based on what happens on statuses, scores, or any other event.
