Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Gregoire,

All of that was properly implemented prior to this event. The SFDC member statuses are identical to the marketo channel member statuses.

We also are using the "Add to SFDC campaign" flowsteps in order to set Statuses (Registered, Attended, etc.). If we don't use those steps, how do we make sure those statuses get captured by SFDC?



Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

HI Andrew,

As soon as the SFDC campaign is sync'ed with a Marketo program, member statuses are kept identical on both sides form all members. When you use a "change program status" in Marketo, it will automatically update the member status in the campaign in SFDC and also add the lead to the campaign if it was not there.

So the "Add to SFDC campaign" becomes unnecessary and is ignored.


Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Got it.

So currently our Marketo and SFDC campaigns are synced and yet the lead statuses are not the same. Any ideas?


Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Andrew,

Then this is blocking membership sync. You campaigns and the corresponding program will not show the same lead count, per status nor globally.

You'll have to fix it editing SFDC campaigns advanced setup and make sure the member statuses there are exactly the same as Marketo channel steps. Not funny, so good luck

and cote here:


Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Gregoire,

The SFDC campaigns advanced setup -> member statues are/were exactly the same as Marketo channel steps (as in Admin -> Tags -> Webinar)

Any other ideas?


Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

HI Andrew,

No not at this point

You may want to force a sync (updating records on one end)

Otherwise, have you covered all the ideas in the post ?


Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Update here -

I have examined the activity history for the unsynced leads. Subsequent marketo activity is syncing with them without issue.

There's also nothing in the activity history which shows status changes (but this is true for our correctly-synced leads as well). So, side question - How can I make sure that lead status changes get listed in the activity history? (I've figured this out for lead history going forward, but would be ideal if it also fit into activity history).

What I still don't understand, and this is my primary question, is how could only 15 leads not sync correctly when everyone else does? Only these 15 and nobody else, even when I resync it all now? I'm looking at the correct Marketo info with the correct associated campaigns, I sync it, and no changes in SFDC. How is that possible?

I've contacted support but they have given me nothing so far.



Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Andrew,

So it seems really linked to the campaign-program sync.

Go to the admin->tags-> channel and open the channel of the program (webinar). Add a new status with the same step value as your "attended" status. Let's call it "Attended2"

Go back to the program. Select one of the 15 leads and change its program status to "Attended2". Wait a few minutes, until next sync, then change the status back to "Attended" and tell us what you observe on the activity log and in SFDC.


Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Found the bug!

Sync Lead to SFDC: Failed : Failed: REQUIRED_FIELDS_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [COMPANY]

How do I get rid of the required field (company) for SFDC Sync??

So close to having this resolved


Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Andrew,

You cannot. Together with Last Name, Company is a field that is mandatory to create a lead in SFDC.

You can add a dummy value using a smart campaign or go to admin->salesforce -> sync options and set a default value for both names, but I really do not recommend it. You will endup with tens, hundreds or even thousands of Doe's working for ACME and your sales are going to hate it.

Exception : if you are in a B2C business then company does not matter, and you could set a dummy value using one of the techniques above.

Otherwise, the best solutions is to ask you leads to provide a company name in you webinar registration forms.
