Re: Issue in searching lead changes

Not applicable

Issue in searching lead changes

Hi,                 We are developing connector for marketo. We came across a scenario while searching the lead changes.

The URL we are hitting is:

URL: <REST API Endpoint URL>/rest/v1/activities/leadchanges.json

The 'nextPageToken' and 'fields' are the 2 mandatory fields. The 2 non-mandatory fields are 'batchsize' and 'listId'.

On providing invalid value for the non-mandatory fields, we are getting the below mentioned result instead of an error message.


  "requestId": "14da9#1528326fb8c",

  "success": true,


  "moreResult": false



The same behavior is been observed for retrieve and custom object. Please find the result body.


"requestId": "10050#1528201bf8f"




"success": true


It would be great if anyone could confirm the behavior.



Tags (1)
Marketo Employee

Re: Issue in searching lead changes

Not sure that I understand what you're reporting here.  What call are you sending and what are you considering and invalid value?

Not applicable

Re: Issue in searching lead changes

Thanks Kenny

We are trying to fetch the Get API's (REST) of Marketo, if we provide the data for which search criteria does not satisfied it displays "success": true. Here we expect the warning message which should indicate the user, for provided search parameters data does not exists and "Success: False"

More Detail:

URL: < https://<hostname>/rest/v1/customobjects/Special_CustomObject_c.json?filterType=idField&filterValues...

Method : Get

Now if I provide invalid filterValue, below response is displayed


"requestId": "6f1f#1528694227b"




"success": true


Same behavior is also observed in other objects, like Get Lead Changes (Details are give in above thread)

Marketo Employee

Re: Issue in searching lead changes

This is the expected behavior.  We do not validate filterValues, we perform a match against them.  If there are no matches, the call was still a success, there are simply no results to return.