Subscription center by topic and product all in one place.

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Subscription center by topic and product all in one place.

I'd like to have a subscription center based off of one submit button that allows people to subscribe by topic and/or product with a multiple check box field. How is this possible on a single landing page using a single form? It seems like you should be able to host a work around where a single form poses both questions looking slightly separated in a designed fashion with a single submit button. Is there a way to send the data to a static list and push that static list to a smart campaign that tags the correct fields in Marketo?

Level 7

Re: Subscription center by topic and product all in one place.

Hi Kelley,

How knowledgeable are you in CSS?

At my previous company we had an Preference Center form that was spread out over 6 blocks that would stack and resize. By changing the CSS of the form you can determine which block needs to go.

Take a look here

What you'd do is add fieldsets for the question groupings. In the form, when you add a new field, choose the orange button with 'Fieldset' on it.

By using CSS Selectors you can modify the styles of the fieldsets and of anything in them.

Let me know if that works for you.
