Re: How to determine list id

Level 9

How to determine list id


Quick question - I want to pull a few things via the API.

Does anyone know a simple way to determine what the id of a static list is?

Level 9

Re: How to determine list id

Are you wanting to pull the list ID via the API? Or pull it via Marketo to use in code somewhere?

If it's the latter, I think you can grab the ID by navigating to the list, then looking at the URL. You'll get something like: #ST12345A1 -- the ID would be the numbers after #ST and before A1. I'm not 100% sure about that, but that's how it works with forms.

Level 9

Re: How to determine list id

Never mind!

"Note: To access the list id through the Marketo UI, navigate to the list. The list id will be in the URL of the static list, https://app-**** In this example, 1001 is the ID for the list."