Re: Upload Image or File

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Upload Image or File

I just want to say whoever decided to come up with the brainwave to move the Action buttons (Cancel/Upload/Finish) around on the pop up box to upload files/images really screwed up.

Worst idea ever. I now press Cancel more than Upload!

Hope you put this ridiculously useless change back to how it was because it has really ruined my experience of Marketo.

Thank you
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Re: Upload Image or File

I don't know — I think it's a good idea to switch those buttons around if it means that you have to be a little more mindful about uploading assets to your Marketo instance. 
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Re: Upload Image or File

That's one way to look at it however it's as good as telling people to drive on the other side of the road in Britain and expecting them to be better drivers just like those in Europe. You will still find people crash no matter what side of the road they're on!

I don't see any benefit from this change at all. I hope this goes back to what people are used to and had no issues with to begin with!

Level 10

Re: Upload Image or File

What I find bizarre is that the Cancel and Approve (whether it's Upload, or OK, or something else) flip flop locations on the site depending on what you're doing.

To Scott's point, it can make people more mindful of what they're doing, but it's definitely a pain in the butt sometimes.