How to Prevent Score Fields From Dipping Below Zero


You want to reduce scores of records in Marketo (for example, based on inactivity of the record), but do not want the score to go below zero.


There is nothing out-of-the-box prohibiting a score from dropping below zero, so what you will have to do is create a trigger or recurring batch campaign to address this.

Trigger Campaign Smart List

If you wanted to set up a trigger campaign, the trigger could be:

Score is Changed: [specify score field]

(add constraint) New Score is Less Than 0


-  or  -


Data Value Changes: [specify attribute name]

(add constraint) New Value is Less Than 0


Batch Campaign Smart List

For a batch campaign, the filter could be:

Score was Changed: [specify score field]

(add constraint) New Score is Less Than 0

-  or  -

[specific field] Score: is Less Than 0


Flow Steps

The flow for both the trigger and batch campaigns would be the same:

Change Data Value:

Attribute: [specify score field]

New Value = 0


Setting up your campaign like this will cause any score changes below 0 to either trigger, or be addressed by a batch campaign, and the score field to be reset to zero.