It's easy to add multiple images and files all at once.

1. Go to the Design Studio area.


2. Under New click Upload Image or File.

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3. Select the folder where you want to store the images or files, then click Browse.

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The maximum size per file is 50MB

4. To add multiple images and files, browse to the correct folder on your computer, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and click on each file you want to add, and click Open

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5. Expand the File Details to verify you selected the correct images, then click Upload.

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To remove any queued files before upload, click the x next to the file name.

Marketo will scan all files before uploading; infected files will be skipped.

6. When the upload completes, click FINISH.

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7. Your images are now available to use in campaign emails and landing pages.

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Good job; you've advanced to image guru!

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